@ernmander i remember trying out #budgie with #solus yrs ago,while it was still in early development&having pkg-mngmnt-issues,back then.but since reading it is quite light on resources,i'll definitely be giving it a respin fo sho!thank you for bringing it back to my memories,since it's really been yrs,when i gave it a shot.have you had better luck with it,then i had?if so,how did you like it?maybe i'm mixing stuff up,now.since #ubuntu is a stable base and #ubuntu #budgie should therefor be stable,my xperience,i had,was probably due to #solus ,which had #budgie as default DE, that looked beutifully good,as #budgie usually does,but carried not as good pkg-mngmnt due to #solus ,which used something homebrewed,not #apt.however,i'm even more xcited to give #ubuntu #budgie a spinning spin now.it probably won't get any better than that,as #ubuntu #budgie might be the ultimate #powerhorse. hell,yeah! #budgie is the real deal,right?we are all #budgie, sometime,somehow.aren't we?
@amolith i just had an attentive read into it.thx4sharing!and i just checked out #gajim ,aswell.from what i've seen so far,i really like that one,too.will be giving it a spin,next,so thanx for mentioning it,likewise.reminds me of the days,back then,when good ole #msn / #icq was a thing!can you remember?when it took some characteristing noise for eastablishing a connection to the internet we know today,even before #nixnet was brought up.good ole times!
@amolith i didn't know #kaidan 's got a desktop-client,so thanx4the hint!will give it a spin miself!what would be the best bet for desktop-use?got #conversejs .org?what's on the phone,since bricking? #lineageos?
@ernmander thanx4the insight.i appreciate it.gotta get my hands on it,asap,since i'm relying on resource light distros on a stable LTS-base.so far, #antix has been my way to go,aswell as #mxLinux?got any of 'em?since i wanna be giving something back in return for sharing ur xperience&knowledge,i am benifiting of,i'm mentioning #mxLinux here,as it's been catching quite some attention,lately. #sharing, is # caring!
@f0x how does #writefreely ,provided by you compare to #plume?what r the differences compared to #plume?what r the advantages of one?what the disadvantages of the of the other?dare to share some insight from provider-side?what is neo?and why was it chosen over #riot as client for #matrix?
@f0x how does #writefreely ,provided by you compare to #plume?what r the differences compared to #plume?what r the advantages of one?what the disadvantages of the of the other?dare to share some insight from provider-side?what is neo?and why was it chosen over #riot as client for #matrix?
@ernmander how is #elementaryOS on resources?how much RAM does it reuqire (for a proper use)?how much is it using (idle)?got #deepin?if so,wich is cutting the edge?#elementaryOS / #deepin ? how would you rate #elementaryOS overall? is it a distrohopper,showstopper or keeper? what r your thoughts? ur insight&honored opinion is highly appreciated,as always!so hang in there&just fire away!
@herrgnatz @nerdhochburg is there an installable version out there for opo,that wouldn't require a PhD in programming?and,that is atleast usable,i.e supporting core functions like calling,messaging,etc.?or is it (just) still not there,yet?tia!