@shmibs@sunriseprotocol:its distributed, gossip protocol. no centralized state or identity anywhere, identity is pubkey. when you're connected to a user you share events (follows, posts, replies, reactions, profile updates) with each other that the other hasn't seen yet. im not sure which events exactly yet, docs are sparse and hard to navigate, but the distance that the events spread via connections is somehow determine via follow-relationships. you can connect to a user to gossip via LAN, bluetooth, the internet (directly, or using a relay called a room*), or theoretically sneakernet.*rooms are a replacement for "pubs", which i havent used but read about, and are rooms that also hold a database themselves. rationale for abandoning pubs was that they collapsed social graphs around them too easily. one of the two iOS clients is still centered around pubs.**there is (sigh) a limitation about multiple devices using the same key somehow. i havent read the details about it yet but i see a lot of people with phone identitiessoftware:seems the preferred client right now is https://www.manyver.se/ which has been working decently for me (except for lagging like hell on first gossip/sync, which is a known issue apparently). the patchwork client is deprecated it turns out.reaching me:if you want to connect to me im in the butt.nz room and also xj's room (i can send an invite if you want to that) and am online sporadically. my pubkey id (cypherlink is what manyverse calls it?) is @Ub3uJo046Y+yD6Tzkcu52f+aTOXA1IFRYo7omaz7jb8=.ed25519
@sunrisehttps://scuttlebutt.nz/ warning, the suggested client on this website is actually deprecated and i didnt realize that until pretty far in. manyverse is the suggested one now it seems.
using amd only has made it noticeably toastier but thats fine by me i just dont want something this fancy that cannot render text without noticeable lag lol