@kfist The trick is to open the window a bit. So the floor is warm and the air is cool.
Also, imagine being a green shit and purposely keeping your home cold to "save the environment". Heh, I just wiped all of your "sacrifice" that out :^)
I figured out how to turn on the floor heating in my PC room. It's actually pretty neat being able to touch the floor with my feet without wearing three pairs of socks while playing games in winter. Why did I do this for the last 4 years again? :cirnoBaka:
@kfist It's a stone floor! It's super cold!
@nepfag Imagine not having your utilities included in rent
Imagine not living in a place where both electricity and heating are in the single digit pennies per kWh or less
Imagine sacrificing your own comfort just so libshits who want you dead feel better about Ngumbe Hongfeng living in a marginally less miserable and meaningless existence