@kro Gomen. Here's your's official boiga (tm) translation provided by NISA.
When the loli comes marching home again,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give her a hearty welcome then
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The cute girls will cheer and the traps will shout
The ladies they will all turn out
And we'll all feel gay when the loli comes marching home.
Wenn bei Niu die Mammut-Flotte im Meer versinkt
Und das Pleroma-Lied auf der Pawooenburg erklingt
Dann zieht die Lolimacht in ihren Panzern in .jp ein
Und dann kehrt des Fedis Osten endlich wieder heim
@nepfag That's not NISA enough, let me try.
When the meme comes marching home again,
Rub a dub dub!
We'll give it a hearty mistranslation then
Rub a dub dub!
The gamer™ girls will cheer and the reddit will shout
The insufferable faggots, they will all turn out
And we'll all feel gay when the game comes marching home.