@apropos > mothers and children being shot by cartelhave you considered being born somewhere else?> bystanders blinded by rubber bulletshave you considered not driving home from work?> noncitizens not getting shit in the country they've lived since childhoodhave you considered being a non-citizen somewhere else where you'll be worse off instead?> national guard arrests the wrong targethave you considered being rich / famous?
What's really mendacious is all of this excessive concern for the problems that people bring upon themselves.>Mothers separated from children at borders have you considered staying away from the border?>Protesters blinded by rubber bulletshave you considered not hanging joining protests after every single prior protest has turned violent? Have you considered leaving after the police break out the non-lethal methods? Have you considered staying home?>Noncitizens not getting shit in a country they don't belong inhave you considered leaving?>Getting arrested by national guard instead of by policehave you considered not being antifa? Have you considered laying low instead of continuing to be antifa after people start throwing around terms like "domestic terrorism"? Have you considered staying home after your buddies start attacking federal buildings?None of these are crazy Nazi things going on, this is all completely standard. Saying "well what if they come for YOU" is like saying "well now that they've outlawed murder, what if they outlaw shitposting?"