@lain@velartrill "group of self-righteous bullies attacks group of self-righteous bullies, and neither refuses quarter because you're-the-bad-one. meanwhile the immense institutional support and privileges women enjoy mean continent-of-500-million-people has approximately zero rape or domestic violence shelters for men"
@lain@velartrill like, on the one side, trying to force one's way into the privileged class while leaving other people helplessand, on the other side, if you're so concerned about your residents, then what about the women who were raped-and-abused by women? it's just no big deal for them to be surrounded by women, but not-ok for others to be around men?
@solipsismic@lain@velartrill wishing to be included as a part of the group that is actually recognised and occasionally cared for when raped-or-abused, rather than being told "suck it up", "go cry somewhere else"and exerting strong social pressure to get there, coerce others through bullying tactics like public shaming/threats of violence, only to turn around and try locking the door behind
@solipsismic@lain@velartrill and meanwhile the organisation's response is a standard help-i'm-being-bullied-by-these-horrible-people-everyone-shame-them-instead, with a smattering of think-of-the-children, that neatly bypasses actually addressing the question asked