>In the first one, I learned that everything that is wrong with the world is my fault for being a heterosexual Christian male. In the second one, I learned that it wasn't really my fault, because I'm Black.
This can only increase tensions/violence between people.
- Linux Walt (@lnxw37a1) likes this.
@mangeurdenuage @lnxw37a1 The more that I think about it, teaching someone that the state of their country can't be their fault because they are black is actually disempowering black people. It implies they can't get into positions of power(Become politicians) or that they can't vote, or that they can't own a business and direct the country the way corporations do, they are just perpetual victims. Whereas if they were white, they would have all this possibility. Of course, it's still ridiculous to blame the lower classes for what the upper classes continue. Skin colour doesn't play into that. Then again, we're all under the same system coping in different ways...