@nepfag @Rape @Ricotta as you have heard from @kfist and perhaps others they don't intend to migrate if smug goes downyou'll be making a lot of people give up and i don't like it
@hakui @nepfag @Rape @Ricotta It's not giving up, it's moving on. If the community doesn't exist anymore then there's no reason to stay. I don't treat the fediverse as a unified platform, but rather GNU/Smug is an island within an archipelago and it's nice to interact with and receive messages from other islands. If your island goes under the waves then you either go with it or you live the rest of your time as a rapefugee amidst some somewhat-related culture where you're never quite a native.It's what's so appealing about smug/a/. It's genuinely a shard of the original pre-2008 /a/ that managed to last through the cuckening of the 2010s and the death of 4chan and later the death of 8chan. The people and culture are still there, hopping between different uninhabited islands and claiming them as home once the original one turned to shit.
@Ricotta @hakui @Rape @nepfag It's not so much about the "funds" as it is about Smug's instance being completely unmovable to another server due to Pleroma's niggery. As far as I understand from the hints Nep's dropped, GNU/Smug is the last thing running on a certain hoster and he can't migrate it to his main hoster, so he's basically paying for an overpriced hosting service just to run this broken pleroma instance. He could rehost but that'd mean remaking the instance, but since fedi has kind of turned to shit he's not really interested.
@hakui @nepfag @Rape @kfist I feel like a better solution would be to just have the community fund the server and then never do more than the bare minimum to keep it running.I've only got like four actual users here so I don't know what it costs to run Smug, but I'd like to believe that the smug lolis can put up the funds.