I also switched to in place of certbot. Should hopefully be less of a headache.
@lain @normandy Sometimes it mysteriously doesn't update. Also it has a bloated update process with a bunch of dependencies. acme is just a shell script.Certbot is better at the actual deployment step tho.
@Moon @lain @normandy for here i set a cronjob that periodically calls it and restarts things on success; is it supposed to do that stuff automatically? (didn't read the manual ????
@Moon @normandy what's the headache? I always installed, ran it, opt a a cert, the end.
@normandy I'm switching to on the new setup.
@normandy @Moon @lain not sure what you mean
@shmibs @Moon @lain I literally made a cronjob for that and one day the cert expired on me. Had to restart nginx manually to get it to use the new certs.
@normandy @Moon @lain ah okyeh, i didn't know post-hook was a thing, so never used it
@shmibs @Moon @lain In my cron script I had set --post-hook to "systemctl reload nginx" on the certbot command. It didn't do anything when the renewal was done, which pretty much meant that one day I got a certificate expiry error and had to restart nginx so that it wasn't presenting the old certificate.Which pretty much meant that --post-hook did absolutely nothing.