urbit to me seems to be profoundly egalitarian in its vision of a decentralized web, although not particularly user friendly and the brilliant space dork who made it is a straight up neoreactionary
@Moon @amerika @georgia using a lisp at all is one of the most exclusion-ary things could choose
@amerika @georgia I don't actually dislike Hoon but it's not easy, in particular when you start having to deal with existing source code that uses irregular syntax.
@Moon @georgia Most critics of Urbit forget that despite being highly architected, it is also quite flexible, and is going to evolve quite a bit.
@amerika @georgia The biggest problem I think Urbit has right is that it's slow. The second biggest problem is Hoon. At some point though someone is going to make a less difficult lisp that compiles to Nock and Hoon difficulty won't matter.
@georgia there's an inherent hierarchy in it between galaxies and then stars and then planets and moons, but it's not more hierarchical than the ubiquitous client-server model of the existing Internet. Galaxies do have more power than anyone else because they're the only ones that get to vote on how Urbit works.My perception of the barrier to entry is that while that seemed to be intentional for most of Urbit's existence, the current people working on it are trying to reverse it.I have criticisms of Urbit but none that conclude "Urbit shouldn't exist" I think it's a really interesting project and I'm glad I'm doing it.
or perhaps it's more libertarian than anything, but certainly not neo-fuedalist
@Moon @amerika @georgia looked up just now, mmm (seemed actually a slight improvement over more vanilla lisps, to me, readability-wise ????innate hierarchy also. like internet infrastructure kinda needs to hub-and-spoke to maintain short hops, but baking in end-user hierarchies as a given feels =/, like could possibly in the future make things improve a bit for end-users if a more decentralised use was made accessible and used