Responsible Web Applications
>The title for this page came from a slip of my tongue. I actually had wanted to say "responsive and accessible" web applications, but somehow "responsible" slipped out.
>Regardless of how I came up with the term, I do consider it to be fitting because I feel that we as developers have a responsibility to ensure that our application is responsive and accessible. If we don't, who will?
>It is extremely difficult and expensive to add responsiveness and accessibility after the fact. For this reason, we need to take them into account from the very beginning.
>Luckily, with modern HTML and CSS, we can create responsive and accessible web apps with relative ease. In my years of doing software development, I have learned some HTML and CSS tips and tricks, and I want to present these in this post. This list is not exhaustive, but these are tried and true patterns that I frequently use in different projects.