@admin @Moon @Nudhul maybe it just depends on the crowd you're around though? dunno..
@moth_ball @Moon @Nudhul @admin well... i've been on the other side of that "not communicating clearly", though, and honestly it's really hard, like when you just want to be someone's friend and he goes assuming things...enjoy the friendship, but feels like something said openly about "he likes you" is sure to ruin it and he'll leave
@shmibs @admin @Moon @Nudhul In middle school I can recount three separate cases of confessing to someone online, though they were all people I knew IRL. Rejected in all cases of course, some more politely than others. One even made her friend send me a reply instead of saying anything.With my first girlfriend in high school we were sitting pretty closely to each other and I blurted out "grandma's going to be happy when she hears I have a girlfriend" to which she replied "oh, I'm your gf?" and we ended up making it official then and there.With second gf she'd been at my place for a couple of times already and when we were lounging on the bed I asked "so, are you like my gf now?" to which she said that she'd already thought she was for a good while.Somewhere between the last two there was this really awkward situation where the girl had for some reason gone along with my invitations to hang out but any advancements would be deflected quietly in a very humiliating way. The way she rejected me when I told her I liked her was more like being vague in hopes that I'd just stop instead of being clear about how she feels. We did get along well otherwise and did chat a lot after the ordeal too so it still puzzles me when I think about it.So whatever you do, communicate clearly. I can't stand people who thing everything is some mind reading game.