@Moon @mrsaturday @ItsSkyDragonz @basadeskaiser @mactonite @moth_ball uniforms are unpleasant
@mrsaturday @moth_ball @ItsSkyDragonz @basadeskaiser @mactonite I have watched this play out multiple times in my town, parents throw an absolute fit about their kids' "right" to "express themselves" through clothing.
@moth_ball @mactonite @ItsSkyDragonz @basadeskaiser Because it would turn into "there are kids too poor to buy uniforms" which turns into "uniforms are racist because more poor people are minorities" vs. "my tax dollars shouldn't pay for schools' social projects"I'm 100% in favor of uniforms at schools, but I know it would never fly here. Too many bleeding hearts and retarded libertarians.
@moth_ball Ok i found it and it's mildly cringe but nothing of notice@basadeskaiser @ItsSkyDragonzimage.png
@mactonite @ItsSkyDragonz @basadeskaiser When I was a kid people wore all sorts of gangsta and edgy shit to school and no one gave a shit. Why don't burger schools just adopt uniforms already?
@mactonite Now I want to know what the original image is
@mrsaturday @moth_ball @ItsSkyDragonz @basadeskaiser @mactonite i was a kids-too-poor-to-buy-uniforms. my shoes fell apart at school one day and was given detention for it
@mrsaturday @ItsSkyDragonz @basadeskaiser @mactonite @moth_ball that's how uniforms work, teachers use whatever-infraction as an excuse to punish kids they don't likeand they actually are more expensive than the stuff i had otherwise, left-over from older sibling who got them from the thrift store. special "certified uniform stores" and "dress shoes"those shoes had holes and heels were partly detached, walked / bussed to school in them for several weeks before they came apart completely and was walking around campus barefoot (which normally did before / after school, but it wasn't allowed duringhated-me substitute arrived and kicked me out of the 2-hour discussion class. eventually headmaster noticed me sitting outside and had his secretary drive to the store to buy a new pair, which was nice. they were several sizes too large, though; had to walk very carefully for the rest of the year ????
@shmibs @ItsSkyDragonz @basadeskaiser @mactonite @moth_ball Which is absolute bullshit