am i too young for gel comfort insoles
@georgia padded shoes cause foot/knee/back injuries
@georgia @mia people who wear padded shoes take longer strides, coming down more heavily and awkwardly on their heels. compared to a person running barefoot, shorter strides and landing on toe-pad. doing that ends up jolting things around more and causes injury
@mia @shmibs literally what mechanism of action would even exist for that
@shmibs @georgia that’s not what the study says
@georgia @mia studies run on college athletesgot to go look for again, don't have readily available
@shmibs @mia >compared to a person running barefootsounds like bs but i'm not
@mia @georgia here hike barefoot, never worn shoes except when forced or midsummer when feet would burn in asphalt land. shoes really aren't necessary things for most anybody, can do fine on a pointy-rock trails etc
@shmibs @georgia yes, that very likely happens with stiff shoes, but i don’t think it necessarily does with just padded shoes.i definitely don’t stomp on my heels with the ones i’ve got, but i used to with other shoes (non-padded) just because they weren’t flexible enough.actually remember having trouble keeping up with my friends without breaking into a jog when we were out hiking because i was trying to avoid that. but guess whose feet didn’t hurt that day :blobcatsmug:
@lanodan @mia @georgia dunno, just seeing bunch of relatives with collapsed arches and knee replacements, would rather avoid it
@shmibs @mia @georgia Shoes mostly depends on what you want to do.Like if I take me for example:I find light shoes to be neat when it's mostly going to be in a safe environment and bit of walking, mostly turning around a lot. I think they're also nice when you're standing up for a long time (so your feets don't get tired).I tend to pick basic sport/running shoes when going outside (as I take my bicyle or walk).And I have my padded firefighter boots to protect my feets/ankles or for long walks. (or concerts where people tend to step on feets and can stomp the ground enough at times when the way is clear)Please be very careful of things like "one solution works for all", specially when comfort is key and it's going to be used for most of the day, people have different needs and work differently.