Is it crazy the fed is throwing the book at everyone who entered the capital building? yeah it is, but consider the crime. they forced there way into a federal building. whether they did anything wrong in that building or not If i was the fed i would be forced to respond legally. I would give a slap on the wrist to people like the guy who walked in for 10 minutes and just watched but I would still respond. Is it a double standard beacuse of black lives matrer? obviously but consider the context. Local governments LOSE money to mass incarcerate people. Federal government gets money to mass incarcerate people. That context is very important
@lain @BellBell @Moon police leave dangerous situations because they have no incentive to put themselves in potential danger. so they arrest hundreds of people acting peacefully insteadand the capitol situation is of course going to get more after-the-fact attention because "power-havers" were involved
@Moon @BellBell Probably some evil right wing whatever but I found it somewhat insightful: quote:> Anarcho-tyranny is why downtown D.C. was abandoned to a rioting horde last summer, most of whom will never be brought to justice, yet the largest manhunt in history seeks every person who walked into the Capitol on January 6.
@BellBell I'm of two minds about it. On the one hand yeah if you storm a federal building you need to be severely punished. On the other hand fuck Congress lol.
@lain @BellBell @Moonplonk.mp4
@shmibs @BellBell @Moon so it is
@Moon @BellBell if only Biden could resolve the situation like he did with cornpop
@lain @BellBell I'm pretty sure that AR-15 kid is gonna get off scot-free, the response to which will be another riot. Which hopefully will be met with more AR-15's.
@Moon @guizzy @BellBell (where the "nothing" is being beaten up, and the "released" is because they didn't do anything actually illegal (not whatever courthouse. i mean the other 100s of times during all last year and into this one, because police are still doing it and the news has just stopped caring))
@guizzy @BellBell There's a big diff between federal courthouse and house of representatives.
@guizzy @BellBell you're right though, they literally get booked and then released and nothing happens to them. It's enough to make you believe the "usa is communist" people.
@Moon @BellBell BLM/Antifa sieged, tried to burn down (while trying to trap people in it) and attempted to blind people with lasers in a Federal courthouse in Portland and got the kid glove treatment anyway, so federal or not is not how the powers that be see it. It's plainly "we allow this violence, but not even a hint of it from these other people"