I don't know what the future will look like but I know it will require humanity to figure out central planning
@lain @Moon @cell what would a working system look like?
@Moon @lain unfortunately central planning on such a global scale doesn't seem to be something that has any historical precedent; every single nation-state would have to collectively realize and i really do mean realize that we're fucked before they're willing to submit their sovereignity away.
@cell @Moon the issue isn't sovereignty, worldwide coordination and cooperation happens all the time without any issues. probably most of the things on your desk right now come from these coordinations and aren't made locally or managed by some 'central' agency. The issue here is that it's not obvious how to deal with negative externalities like environmental issues, because there seems to be no market for them / no way to attribute them, so the coordination is impossible. I don't think that's true so I'm not too worried.
@lain it's not in any individual or nation's interest to be the first to try to address environmental damage, so it just gets worse and worse until it can't be ignored anymore, at which point it is unrecoverably damaged. The world has many of these coordination problems and I see less evidence that decentralized planning would solve them than that can't do a high degree of central planning.
@Moon people can coordinate without central planning. Where do you see us being doomed?
@lain then we're doomed. I'm not exaggerating.
@Moon that's pretty bad because that's literally impossible