@essie@Moon@augustus i knew a dude who worked for raytheon. completely obsessed with batman. arrested development somewhere around age 12. named all our servers after batman characters.
@meowski i instinctively distrust everything i hear coming from that community. and also asymmetrically distributed advanced weapon tech is not impossible but kinda implausible. do DARPA or whoever really make stuff that isn't designed for production at scale?
@augustus@meowski I used to work for the company that makes a "pain ray gun". It makes you feel like your skin is on fire. They tried to sell it to the army in Afghanistan but the army didn't like it so now they sell them to prisons to mount in communal areas to stop riots.
@augustus it does seem a bit hoaxey, however... there are some pretty advanced electromagnetic weapons that exist like HAARP and HERF guns that are capable of this. the technology is real, but it's also measureable with the right equipment. so unless there is some good documented evidence i'll still assume it's bogus