@shibao we have lot of driving even more maybe, with the big open areas these west cities. meant more though that like every time see "south" there's like someone eating deep-fried pig bits, or living in a swamp with rivers and trees and mosquitoes and things, or being mean to brown people
@nik @shibao kinda hard to believe culture XX, though maybe some of it is just like a place that has a history where there's stuff around that wasn't built in the past two decades?mother watches these auction shows that will have ツッコミ and ボケ go to a southern-region and dig around for stuff to buy in an old guy's giant barn that's full of like gumball machines and his old rusted coccacola sign collection, and it's like "what is all this stuff and why is it brown?"
@shmibs @shibao all those are real