@guizzy @noyoushutthefuckupdad (just resaw those with bf since he hadn't since with grandfather when smallfor those movies pacing was only good because of the editors. the "extended" versions all painfully bad. and think third's ending only jarring because it puts so much effort into cartoonish cgi toy fights rather than characters, so small end is a step back from. also why first movie is best, spends the most effort on character (and does it better than tolkien did for that part actually, spreading out over crucial moments frodo-gandalf conversations that tolkien just infodumped at the very start
@noyoushutthefuckupdad I can't quite put the finger on what went wrong with the ROTK endings, it's wouldn't have been appropriate to end the trilogy with a regular ending; you can't cap off an over 11 hour epic with a five minute montage of them living happily ever after.Maybe the issue is not so much the events depicted or the length of the ending, but that they're presented with pacing and music that makes you brain think that the movie is seconds away from fading to black and rolling credits, so you keep anticipating that, but there's really still like 20 minutes of movie to go.