Leaving Portland for the last time until I pass through during the move. This trip we dedicated a good chunk of our time to actually exploring the city and gotta say it was fun. Lotsa weirdoes out and about but everyone was friendly and wild. Gonna miss shitting on this place.
@triodug @orekix why is portaland so ugly
@orekix nah not really. It's just a small town trying to be a big city with the crazy liberals at ground zero trying to make everything a bigger deal than it really is. There's a lot more old racist alcoholics than crazy liberals.
@triodug it is like cyberpunk 2077 degen style of city
@triodug @orekix whenever i drive through portland the outskirts of it look like shadow of chernobyl for some reason.
@mono @orekix and also tbh all of the PNW outside of cities looks like this lol
@mono @orekix @triodug Lmao that pic definetly does look like that. xD