HIRING someone to do a deep dive into exactly how keffals et al got kiwifarms taken down. Specific actionable items on how what actions were taken by her or allies, what was the timeframe, where pressure was exerted, and why it worked. The whole picture, without bias, with primary source documentation. Shoot me a DM with what it'll cost me.
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@fluffy @astatine @Smirking One of the boyfriends is.
i she at a CF competitor? the pdf said employers omitted
@fluffy @astatine @Smirking They happened to have a thread on the guy in a relationship with Liz.
how did they figure?
@PhenomX6 @Smirking @fluffy Some farmers said this guy has connections with Cloudflare competitor Fastly as well.
@Smirking @fluffy I'm going to go a step further and bring up Liz Fong-Jones being the missing link and hear me out on this one because you'll learn a lot on why the ADL is involved too.
It's been speculated on KF that Liz is the ringleader in all of this and it would make sense since he has the most connections. He worked at Google and harassed the site owners on behalf on another troon and when this failed he went to the media (sound familiar?)
His thread has been filled with theories that he is in fact the ringleader behind this all, judging by his actions on Twitter and his past history with the site. He also has the same legal birth name as another infamous hapa as well.
He also has ties with another infamous troon in the "anti-hate" group: Edward/Emily Gorcenski. Emily/Edward is a notorious doxer who is everything Liz accuses Kiwi Farms of being, helping ruin lives and putting people in prison for showing up at the wrong event. After CVille he was a media darling by bragging about helping dox the bad people.
In fact; he even did a presentation with Emily (slides attached so you can see their playbook):
@fluffy It worked because jews wanted the site down. Keffals is just an out of control tranny janny spearhead, a useful idiot. When you see the ADL and The Lincoln Project mobilizing publicly - you can be sure that high finance and intel agencies are mobilizing behind the scenes.
These people are trying to reign in the internet and regain the ability to promulge narrative unchallenged like the could 2-3 decades ago. Their grip on global hegemony is currently dwindling and they view places like kiwifarms as leaks in their narrative chain that create backflow.
@fluffy Here's one part of their attack method (unless it's the feds doing so); they not only use illegal tactics but once they get results, they speedrun it the next time.
The past hour has featured two accounts get reactivated, only fedpost with the reacts cropped out. Both joined in March 2019 around the time NZ shooting brought heat on the site. Both were inactive as fuck, and both were used to bypass the disabling of new accounts. The troon squad is also deciding to personally harass the CEO.
They can do this for the same reason urban kids can keep stealing cars the second they get out of juvi; because there is no punishment for their behaviors. If someone fedposts IRL as a response than you can kiss a lot of sites goodbye. The truth is, the game was rigged from the start.