dsfgs@activism.openworlds.info asked:
> Would that fit with your vision?
Re: Jobseeker service? I wouldn't be against it but would there be demand for someone skilled in recruitment to be at the couple branches? And would there be the casual jobs available at council to have this sort of setup? How popular will the bank even be? If it were popular, maybe a noticeboard in the branch(s) advertising council jobs, and prompting visitors to council's jobs page (https://careers.unley.sa.gov.au/job-search/) if a recruitment person was not physically present.
It might be self-reinforcing, in that some may visit the branch for the job leads and others for the non-lending banking, but following their visit they may gain an interest in the other service too!
It could align with other strategies like water, land use and resilience. For example, in relation to a more ethical response to common plants ("weeding"), by not using "possibly carcinogenic" herbicides, its possible a FOS app can be developed that connects willing workers with council for a morning of "weed" removal, or urban farm work etc. I'm not totally comfortable with an app, even an ethical FOS app, until other issues are resolved surrounding tech. I'm going to say a lot is possible, if and only if council are honest and upfront about challenges and is able to communicate effectively, easily and without pomp.
dsfgs asked:
> (...)what country are you in?
Same as you... on the plains where 'Adele' laid. 😅