Welcome to Fediverse!
It looks like we both joined around the same time but I had another account on Fedi, as 'me', in late 2020(?) when I spoke up against proposed overdevelopment on Unley Rd that was actually celebrated by Mayor Michael Hewitson at that time. The account must've been deleted because didn't use it for a year 😔.
(Also to @administrator here, its sub-optimal to remove accounts after a year. I understand why from a disk-space perspective, but even old toots can have a lot of value, for the person who spent time to write them and for the wider community, maybe 3 years is a fair compromise, it still allows deletion but allows people to make public statements that they can follow up with at a later time.)
Anyway, given your transition to fully-FOS and AGPLv3 license services, you may be interested that I'm now running for mayor, not just against overdevelopment but for transitioning council away from using proprietary software and services. 😀
Voters are encouraged to contact me here on Fedi or to IM me (XMPP) directly over I2P... slightly more effort but worth it.
Nice to meet you!