I remember the ignorance, even disdain, with which I met people who explained to me that unfortunately they didn't have enough space in their apartment any more to buy more books.
Recently I had the idea to create a digital catalog of my/our books. The books are scattered over many places and residences, even countries, and that makes it increasingly difficult to find them. A side effect would be that I would learn how many there are. I have no idea - they will in any case be several thousands.
These days, 9 out of 10 books I read are digital. The question of whether I have enough time to read all the unread books has never bothered me. That's not why I own all these books in the first place. It's mostly about the fact that at some moment during the day a passage in a book may come to mind and I can immediately go to the shelf and continue reading.That happens quite often. (Over 90% of our books are written in all kinds of languages other than English, and thus not available online.)
I love to live squeezed tightly between objects anyway. But a life in a place that is not crammed with books would not seem worth living.