Another observation while I was humming by myself while trudging through the wet gras and heavy loam: It's a sin not to enjoy life.
And with that a grin flitted across my face.
World changing, climate catastrophe, doom, all the problems people entertain themselves with as excuses not to enjoy life.
It's remarkable that psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, Zen Buddhism, now Climate Doom, all originated and resided in countries with (former) majority Protestant creed.
There is a reason why the Climate movement (i.e., the anxiety about the climate that turned into openly and collectively celebrated panic attacks) arose and spread in (former) Protestant countries of Europe. People are not allowed or not willing to enjoy life. Worrying about and feeling responsible for all the woes life (undoubtedly) provides is a major trick to evade enjoying life. Protestantism gives all the rationalisations one can hope for, just think "responsibility". As if people couldn't enjoy life and still accept responsibility (at least in part). But Protestantism favours responsibility *at the expense* of joy and pleasure. Embracing the latter two means being an irresponsible person.
Again: It's sinful not to enjoy life. Simply because life is so much bigger than the individual person, and "assuming responsibility" at the expense of joy about this world means to belittle (and thus: deman) this very world.
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