?Because? number 1️⃣1 obviously? it’s? gay? lo?l,do? I ?need ? to2️ explain ? more ➕ this ◀️ is ? enough?.One ? time⏰ Ben? Shapiro? and➕ a gay? libtard ♿ were having an? argument? then the gay? libtard ♿said?:”You ✊ have ‼️to respect ‼️ me even☠️ though I ?injected ? hormones ?up? my ass?” then Ben Shapiro ? said ?”But respecting? gay? people is? gay? lol” and ➡️then the whole ?room ?exploded ? “just another ?libtard♿ slain?”.Anyways yeah? being gay?❤️?? is just gay? do I need? to say more? lol.?One 1️⃣time? someone ? gay?️? came to me and ❓asked❔ Give me the ?top3️⃣ 3? reasons why ?being gay? is bad❎,I said well?? 1)it’s ?gay?️? 2)it’s gay? 3)it’s gay? lol,then? he was like ? oh it really do ?️ like? that and converted to a?jew✡️.So anyways↔️ yeah being ? gay is gay ?and that fact ?alone is enough? to describe ?why it’s bad? to be gay?,I mean lol? who cares? if you are ?gay it’s gay?.If you ?wanna have an ✊argument✊ with me ?drop a ?comment down? below? i’ll be sure to? destroy⚔️ you epic? libtard? style ♿ in 3 3️⃣words? (actually ?31️⃣2️⃣ 3️⃣ words? will be ?enough? to? ??destroy your? puny❌ argument?️)