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simsa04 (simsa04@gnusocial.net)'s status on Sunday, 04-Dec-2022 00:28:21 JST
simsa04Why would you even want to have an alternative to Twitter when all you're interested in is prolonging your addiction to more trite "content"? Your literalism is the problem here, not "surveillance capitalism", "walled gardens", data collection, evil Dear Leaders on Twitter or the Fediverse...
simsa04 (simsa04@gnusocial.net)'s status on Sunday, 04-Dec-2022 00:19:09 JST
simsa04To take this topic up again: I find self-introductions in the Fediverse rather pointless, primarily because content about a person doesn't introduce this person to you at all. It's her manners, tone of voice, style of writing, whims and idiosyncracies that give you an insight (or disdain). Posting content about oneself is sufficiently done by offering a list of tags one subscribes to, preferably combinded with brief annotations on the reasons why. Did this for myself recently, see profile.
It's interesting that almost none of your repeats arrive here on my instance. Please give a brief ping if this note gets through to you. Happy Saturday.
The server has been down for 7 hours due to an unexpected failure.
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@Muestavi No exageras, no.
El relato a medida de una "clase media" (que en realidad no existe) decía que todo el mundo en casa.
Mucha gente vimos cómo se nos invisibilizaba, una vez más. Y hablo plenamente consciente de mi privilegio; el tema de las trabajadoras a domicilio sin papeles fue absolutamente vergonzante.
Me encanta el vídeo :)
@piuland Ea, ya me has picado lo suficiente como para buscar el libro :) Gracias!
(Los fragmentos que pones me recuerdan al "aburrirse es bueno" del "Sal de la máquina" - https://saldelamaquina.wordpress.com/)
@alair [ESP] Te damos la bienvenida a gnusocial.net. Varias cosas:
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[ENG] Welcome to gnusocial.net. Several things:
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