@jsto [ESP] Te damos la bienvenida a gnusocial.net. Varias cosas:
- Es NECESARIO responder a este mensaje para levantar el aislamiento inicial de tu cuenta.
- Las cuentas que continúen aisladas al cabo de un mes serán borradas.
- Las cuentas antiguas sin actividad serán borradas al cabo de un año.
- Intenta no usar correos de gmail para darte de alta; puede que no te llegue el correo de confirmación. Puedes cambiar tu correo en Ajustes/Correo electrónico
- Documentación: https://gnusocial.net/doc/tos
[ENG] Welcome to gnusocial.net. Several things:
- You MUST reply to this notice in order to get your account initial sandboxing uplifted.
- Sandboxed accounts will be deleted after one month.
- Old accounts without activity will be deleted after a year.
- Avoid using gmail for subscribing, as it is possible that you won't get the confirmation mail. You can change your address on Settings/Email
- Docs: https://gnusocial.net/doc/tos
You want to improve the atmosphere and conversational #tone in the #fediverse? Forget trigger / content warnings, blocking and muting, and start reflecting on why you still subscribe to the people from whom you receive such content in your timeline. "Social" is a social thing, not a technical one. It doesn't need "tech fixes" but reflection, manners, courtesy, solidarity. Now you know.
Instead of blocking and muting accounts, contemplate whom you subscribe to. If those people interact with unpleasant stuff or people and these things turn up in your timeline, think about why you still keep them in your subscription list.
In my experience it's one's subscription list that flushes in content and people you don't want to see. Concentrate on a few but reasonable and kind people, and chances are you escape most of the unpleasant stuff. Simply because these people don't engage with such awfulness either.
Well, nothing really changed since 2016 when @hannes2peer from Quitter first got giddy about blocking all he didn't agree with. So it's an old story, resurfacing from time to time, in various guises. But the separation of the fediverse in mutual exclusive sub-diverses was apparent even then. This is what we get when the bawling of practical constraints enters the mind of admins, moderators, developers. In fact, they're in search of The Silo they can own. All little Elon Musks, I suppose, but without the money and the influence.
If you are new "here" – it's not a "here" because it is no place, and it is not a "here" because the differences between Twitter and the fediverse are negligible – don't look for an instance that fits your "interests". With that attitude you reiterate the silo you're coming from.
Instead of selecting an instance according to interests or topics, select them according to the tools and possibilities they provide.
If you want content warnings, go to Mastodon. If you need to be able to block and mute other people by yourself, choose a Mastodon instance, not a gnusocial instance. If you want to write longer notices, look for instances that allow for a higher character-number than the usual 500 that Mastodon instances provide. Etc., etc.
Which, on the other hand, means: People in the #fediverse did a terrible job preparing for the arrival of people moving from Twitter to the fediverse (as always).
What we should have done (and should have provided) is an overview and summary (two different things!) of the features between which new users may want to choose.
Remember: Instances are not gated communities (topics) but doors into conversations (tools). The latter requires a different approach and attitude.
simsa04 (simsa04@gnusocial.net)'s status on Friday, 02-Dec-2022 09:59:39 JST
simsa04Watching the increasing blocking of instances by their admins without people even having a say in it – do you really believe you are any better than Elon Musk? And you, users of blocking instances, do you really think you're better off than on Twitter?
This is the #fediverse, for Christ sake, so stop behaving like children running to their older brothers to beat up the obnoxious kid that is chasing them through the hood.
And secondly, if you really need "content warnings" in your neurotic desire to prolong (or recreate) a pampered childhood, then you are at the wrong place. The fediverse is about reality, not your blaring need for protection which, to be established, puts the onus on others to make you feel a bit better. Just stop behaving like a spoiled brat with entitlement attitude, and perhaps everybody may get along a little bit better.
Or more bluntly: Please consider moving back to Twitter or the other platforms you used to frequent. You negatively impact the atmosphere in the fediverse, not just in the Mastodon network.
(Just thinking that these people are allowed to *vote* makes me want to through up. Perhaps instances should establish some age-confirmation in the process of sign-up: "I'm older than 18 years and I won't run to an admin when I feel offended by something." Gosh!)
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Developed by the Dutch particle physicist Jos Vermaseren, FORM is a key part of the infrastructure of particle physics, necessary for the hardest calculations. However, as with surprisingly many essential pieces of digital infrastructure, FORM’s maintenance rests largely on one person: Vermaseren himself. And at 73, Vermaseren has begun to step back from FORM development. Due to the incentive structure of academia, which prizes published papers, not software tools, no successor has emerged. If the situation does not change, particle physics may be forced to slow down dramatically. »
Monthly reminder: currently, @elbinario offers the following services, all based on free software, for the use of anyone who needs them or wants to try, investigate, etc.:
- XMPP (encrypted instant messaging).
- Pad (collaborative documents).
- Mumble (audio conversations with good sound quality).
- Gitlab (collaborative software repository).
- Mailing lists.
- GNUSocial (micro-blogging social network).
- Blog (article posting).
The monthly expenses are only about 32 € per month. The team behind El Binario do not get any money; we do this because we want to provide the community with access to these free tools.
If every person on gnusocial.net donate 0.50 € per month, it would be more than enough to cover all expenses. Please consider donating to @elbinario a small amount on a regular or timely basis:
Recordatorio mensual: actualmente, @elbinario ofrece los siguientes servicios, todos basados en software libre, para el uso de quien los necesite o quiera probar, investigar, etc:
- XMPP (mensajería instantánea cifrada).
- Pad (documentos colaborativos).
- Mumble (conversaciones de audio con buena calidad de sonido).
- Gitlab (repositorio colaborativo de aplicaciones).
- Listas de correo.
- GNUSocial (red social de micro-blogging).
- Blog (publicación de artículos).
Los gastos mensuales solo son unos 32 € al mes. Quienes colaboramos en El Binario no cobramos; lo hacemos porque queremos brindar a la comunidad el acceso a estas herramientas libres.
Si cada persona con cuenta en gnusocial.net donara 0.50 € al mes, sobraría para cubrir todos los gastos. Por favor, considera donar a @elbinario una pequeña cantidad periódica o puntual: