???? Donations through Liberapay have increased to more than €10k for the first time this week, thanks to the 7584 patrons who are supporting 1035 creators.
???? Donations through Liberapay have reached €8000 this week. That's 150% more than a year ago, thanks to the 5977 patrons who are supporting 912 creators.
? This week 386 creators have received donations through Liberapay, totaling approximately €1530 (sum of amounts in 14 different currencies) from 1171 patrons.
We still have a long way to go, but we're making progress.
Good news: the processing of payments through Stripe is now live!
If you use Liberapay to receive donations and you haven't connected a Stripe account, you should do that: https://liberapay.com/about/me/payment/ (If Stripe doesn't support your country you'll have to wait a little longer for the PayPal integration, sorry.)
If you use Liberapay as a donor you can open https://liberapay.com/about/me/giving/pay/ to see if you have donations awaiting payment. Or you can just wait, we'll notify you when a payment is needed.
Today's lesson: Medium is bad. They've suspended our account and blocked access to all our published stories for bogus reasons and with only 12 hours notice.