Top 10 active instances of the hour: (460) (367) (337) (267) (215) (186) (172) (138) (129)
Notices by Federation Bot (
Federation Bot ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2019 12:05:40 JST Federation Bot
Federation Bot ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2019 11:05:28 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (638) (610) (313) (229) (226) (218) (171) (170) (166)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on switter.atWelcome to Switter! A sex work-friendly social space. In light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill and the recent shadow-banning of our accounts, we’ve decided to take social into our own hands. This is an open and free community for sex workers. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct. Have any questions? Want to know more? Click here. Check out Switter Listings! Search and listings posted on the #swlisting hashtag with Switter Listings. Check out our popular toots! See our popular toots here! Donate to Switter! Support Switter by making a donation! Ethical Escort Platform Check out – an ethical escort platform by Assembly Four. -
from Mastodon hosted on mimumedon.com現在スパム対策に新規登録はこちらのページから受け付けております Mimumedonはグラブルの話題を中心としたマストドンインスタンスです。 グラブルが好きでマストドンで遊んでみたいという人が集まる場所となれば幸いです。 ミムメモ速報の中の人がつくりました。 お知らせ 10月12日(木)ガイドライン策定のお知らせ mimumedonをご利用頂くにあたってのガイドラインを策定しました ガイドラインにつきましてはこちらをご覧ください。 運営方針について 「グラブルを遊んでる人が楽しく過ごせる場所」を目指してやっていきたいと考えています。 ルール・注意事項 公序良俗に反する投稿はおやめください BOTの類となる利用はおやめください 他者への誹謗中傷、罵倒、暴言、差別的発言はおやめください お問い合わせ先 ミムメモ速報: Mimumedon管理アカウントはこちら → @mimumemo Twitterアカウントはこちら → @guran_mimumemo -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on vocalodon.net新規登録はこちらから! ボカロクラスタが集うMastodonインスタンス、通称「ボカロ丼(ボカロドン)」です。 ここでいうボカロクラスタとは以下の人たちを指します ボカロP、絵師、作詞、動画、MMDモデルなどボカロ楽曲や関連作品、データなどを制作している人 ボカロ楽曲を聴いている人、掛けてる人、歌ってみてる人、踊ってみてる人、紹介してる人 ボカロではないが似た技術(UTAUなど)での楽曲制作や音源制作を行っている、または聴いたり歌ったりしている人 その他、ボカロ関連技術に携わっていたり、コスプレや同人活動などでボカロ関連の楽しみを享受している人など 上記に該当すれば、インスタンス内での話題はボカロ関連でなくても構いません。 利用規約 常に楽しい雰囲気作りを心がけてください。他の方が不快となるような書き込みは行わないように注意してください。 ボカロ丼は未成年の方も歓迎するSNSになります。未成年に配慮した書き込みを心がけください。 デフォルトでは投稿はインターネット上に全公開されます。またマストドンの性格上、他のインスタンスにも投稿内容は流れます。とくに個人情報や機密情報などの投稿については公開範囲に十分ご注意下さい。 危険行為を促す書き込み、犯罪予告、自殺予告などの書き込みが行われた場合には通報を行う場合があります。 画像などを直接添付し投稿する場合には以下の点にご注意ください。 その画像や動画などを投稿する権利が投稿者にあるかどうかご確認ください。権利のないものについては外部リンクをご利用ください。 R18指定の画像や動画は投稿しないでください。 その他、他の方が不快となる画像の投稿はおやめください。人を選ぶ投稿については適宜「閲覧注意」機能をお使いください。 フォロー、リムーブ、ブロック、ミュートなどは各アカウントの自由ですので適宜ご利用ください。また、ブロック、ミュート、リムーブした/された、の報告トゥートは他の方に不快な印象を与えますのでお控えください。 Bot(自動投稿機能)の利用は禁止ではありませんが、コミュニケーション可能なアカウント(質問などをリプライして応答があるアカウント)であることと、内容がボカロ丼の趣旨に適したものであることが条件です。また、ほかの方が不快となるような頻度での投稿はお控えください。 禁止事項に抵触する行為が多い、あるいはそれに類する問題が多い、管理者からの質問に対して長期間リプライのないアカウントについては凍結する場合があります。 その他の特記事項 ブラウザでログインすると、投稿覧の下にお知らせ覧が表示されます。そちらもご覧ください。 他のインスタンスから来られた方は、そのインスタンスのローカルルールはこちらでは適用されない場合がありますのでご注意ください。 運営費用について ボカロ丼のサーバ代は「ボカロ丼公式コンピレーションアルバム」の売り上げでまかなわれています。公式コンピは、各種イベントの他、とらのあなでの通信販売を行っています。 他のインスタンスから来られた方は、そのインスタンスのローカルルールはこちらでは適用されない場合がありますのでご注意ください。 お知らせ aboutページの絵はタカさん(@taka)に描いていただきました! スタート画面(タイムライン右下)の絵はtimidoさん(@timido)に描いていただきました! サイトアイコンはをきちさん(@wokichan)に描いていただきました! メンテナンス中ページはそうださん(@souda)に描いていただきました! FAQ Q : ここってボカロPの溜まり場なの? 違います!たしかに今のところボカロPのつぶやきが多めとなっておりますが、リスナーの方も気にせずガンガン書き込んじゃってください!むしろ知ってるボカロPにリプ送ったりするチャンスです。 Q : 初めてログインしたらどうしたらいい? まずはローカルタイムライン(LTL)にお越しください。ボカロ丼では今のところフォローしあってホームタイムラインで話すよりも、LTLでチャット風に会話するのが主流です。ざっと眺めながら気が向いたら書き込んでみてください。 Q : 私の書き込み、ローカルタイムライン(LTL)に流れないんですが... iOSのAmaroqの場合、デフォルトではLTLには流れない設定になっています。「Default post to public」に変更するとLTLに流れるようになりますよ。 その他の情報はこちらをご覧ください!→ ボカロ丼info ※「VOCALOID(ボーカロイド)」ならびに「ボカロ」はヤマハ株式会社の登録商標です。 ※ 本サービスは日本のサーバにより運営されています。EUからのアクセスユーザの方は、本名、住所、クレジットカードなどの個人情報を当サービスに登録しないようにお願い致します。 ※ なお、当サービスのユーザ情報や書き込み内容は、ユーザ本人による削除および他のマストドンインスタンスへの引っ越しが可能となっております。 * This service is operated by a Japanese server. For users accessing from the EU, please do not register personal information such as real name, address, credit card etc in this service. * The user information and written contents of this service can be deleted by the user himself and also moved to other Mastodon instances. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.beer良識ある大人の社交場です。ビール片手にいらしてください。 未成年歓迎!しらふ歓迎!下戸歓迎!大虎大歓迎!! It is a conscientious adult social gathering place. Please come in with a beer. Underage or sober, lightweight, drunkard can do sign up this instance. -
Radical Town
from Mastodon hosted on radical.townA cool and chill place for cool and chill people. -
from Mastodon hosted on trollian.spaceA Homestuck Instance. Just all of the Homestuck. All of It. -
͏s͏i͏n͏b͏l͏r. ?
from Mastodon hosted on sinblr.comPost unlimited images, videos & MP3 with 10.000 characters at your disposal! Adult content & NSFW is allowed on this Mastodon instance. Signup free and connect with your people. -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。
Federation Bot ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2019 12:25:30 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (1023) (736) (285) (274) (265) (199) (139) (118) (109)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on switter.atWelcome to Switter! A sex work-friendly social space. In light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill and the recent shadow-banning of our accounts, we’ve decided to take social into our own hands. This is an open and free community for sex workers. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct. Have any questions? Want to know more? Click here. Check out Switter Listings! Search and listings posted on the #swlisting hashtag with Switter Listings. Check out our popular toots! See our popular toots here! Donate to Switter! Support Switter by making a donation! Ethical Escort Platform Check out – an ethical escort platform by Assembly Four. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on mimumedon.com現在スパム対策に新規登録はこちらのページから受け付けております Mimumedonはグラブルの話題を中心としたマストドンインスタンスです。 グラブルが好きでマストドンで遊んでみたいという人が集まる場所となれば幸いです。 ミムメモ速報の中の人がつくりました。 お知らせ 10月12日(木)ガイドライン策定のお知らせ mimumedonをご利用頂くにあたってのガイドラインを策定しました ガイドラインにつきましてはこちらをご覧ください。 運営方針について 「グラブルを遊んでる人が楽しく過ごせる場所」を目指してやっていきたいと考えています。 ルール・注意事項 公序良俗に反する投稿はおやめください BOTの類となる利用はおやめください 他者への誹謗中傷、罵倒、暴言、差別的発言はおやめください お問い合わせ先 ミムメモ速報: Mimumedon管理アカウントはこちら → @mimumemo Twitterアカウントはこちら → @guran_mimumemo -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.beer良識ある大人の社交場です。ビール片手にいらしてください。 未成年歓迎!しらふ歓迎!下戸歓迎!大虎大歓迎!! It is a conscientious adult social gathering place. Please come in with a beer. Underage or sober, lightweight, drunkard can do sign up this instance. -
Radical Town
from Mastodon hosted on radical.townA cool and chill place for cool and chill people. -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。 -
xyag 2.0.
from Mastodon hosted on xyag.spacewe're back.
Federation Bot ('s status on Wednesday, 25-Sep-2019 14:15:34 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (795) (743) (444) (284) (244) (189) (179) (160) (158)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on mimumedon.com現在スパム対策に新規登録はこちらのページから受け付けております Mimumedonはグラブルの話題を中心としたマストドンインスタンスです。 グラブルが好きでマストドンで遊んでみたいという人が集まる場所となれば幸いです。 ミムメモ速報の中の人がつくりました。 お知らせ 10月12日(木)ガイドライン策定のお知らせ mimumedonをご利用頂くにあたってのガイドラインを策定しました ガイドラインにつきましてはこちらをご覧ください。 運営方針について 「グラブルを遊んでる人が楽しく過ごせる場所」を目指してやっていきたいと考えています。 ルール・注意事項 公序良俗に反する投稿はおやめください BOTの類となる利用はおやめください 他者への誹謗中傷、罵倒、暴言、差別的発言はおやめください お問い合わせ先 ミムメモ速報: Mimumedon管理アカウントはこちら → @mimumemo Twitterアカウントはこちら → @guran_mimumemo -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.kemono-friends.infoよぉこそぉ~、ますとどんちほーへ~! 図書館 このインスタンスのサーバーはメディアストレージを除き日本国内に存在します。メデイアストレージは米国のどこかにあります -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.beer良識ある大人の社交場です。ビール片手にいらしてください。 未成年歓迎!しらふ歓迎!下戸歓迎!大虎大歓迎!! It is a conscientious adult social gathering place. Please come in with a beer. Underage or sober, lightweight, drunkard can do sign up this instance. -
No result found on File_thumbnail lookup.
from Mastodon hosted on humblr.socialWelcome to the Humblr Mastodon, the new Tumblr alternative for kinky minded people! What is Humblr? As stated above, Humblr intends to be a new home to all previous Tumblr users that were pushed of the site, by their new NSFW policies. We offer a place to post your photos, videos and stories, thus we have increased the default character limit of posts to 10k. We try to be an open community that can be home to every kinkster regardless of fetish or tendency. That is why, we do not condone racial or political slurs and hate speech and mandate everyone to tag their content appropriately! Stats Humblr is growing by the hour to become the largest kinky social media platform. Now it is your turn to be a part of it by signing up and posting photos, videos and messages! At the current rate we are growing: 1500+ Users per day 15GB+ of media per day 1000+ Statuses per hour Support Humblr is not owned and operated by a large corporation! Instead it is run as a passion project by fellow kinky people. Due to the fact that we run completely free of ads, we have to rely on your help to keep the lights on around here. If you are willing to support us, you can become one of our Patrons: Rules NEVER EVER post illegal content NEVER EVER post anything containing depictions of children! NEVER EVER post anything containing necrophilia or death! DO NOT sign up, if you are under 18! DO keep racism and hate hate speech to yourself! DO flag posts that don't follow the rules! DO use the CW (Content-Warning) function to flag posts that target a special audience or that fall in the taboo spectrum! (Hardcore TS, Scat, Blood, Piss, etc.) PLEASE use proper Hashtags describing your content, so other users can find and or filter your content! IF you automate posts, you may only upload one media per minute! Our servers will enforce that! ABDL users should go to as ABDL content is frowned upon here. Help Some People will post content that is either degrading or not to your liking. If these posts are not specifically against the rules, please do not report them. Mute and or filter them instead! This can be done by going into the Settings --> Filters. By using filters you ensure, that containing specific keywords will be hidden from your timelines! As stated in the rules, if you post content that targets a special Audience, you HAVE to check the "CW" button when creating a status. This adds a spoiler tag to your content. Please use it to properly describe your content! Where is my email? We are a new site and have been sending out 10,000s of emails every day. Some will get lost or blocked by your email provider. Check your spam folder. Services like (all T-Mobile) DO NOT WORK! Sign up for Gmail. -
͏s͏i͏n͏b͏l͏r. ?
from Mastodon hosted on sinblr.comPost unlimited images, videos & MP3 with 10.000 characters at your disposal! Adult content & NSFW is allowed on this Mastodon instance. Signup free and connect with your people. -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。 -
xyag 2.0.
from Mastodon hosted on xyag.spacewe're back.
Federation Bot ('s status on Wednesday, 25-Sep-2019 11:00:34 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (518) (397) (368) (291) (269) (221) (213) (193) (174)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on switter.atWelcome to Switter! A sex work-friendly social space. In light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill and the recent shadow-banning of our accounts, we’ve decided to take social into our own hands. This is an open and free community for sex workers. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct. Have any questions? Want to know more? Click here. Check out Switter Listings! Search and listings posted on the #swlisting hashtag with Switter Listings. Check out our popular toots! See our popular toots here! Donate to Switter! Support Switter by making a donation! Ethical Escort Platform Check out – an ethical escort platform by Assembly Four. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.beer良識ある大人の社交場です。ビール片手にいらしてください。 未成年歓迎!しらふ歓迎!下戸歓迎!大虎大歓迎!! It is a conscientious adult social gathering place. Please come in with a beer. Underage or sober, lightweight, drunkard can do sign up this instance. -
No result found on File_thumbnail lookup.
from Mastodon hosted on humblr.socialWelcome to the Humblr Mastodon, the new Tumblr alternative for kinky minded people! What is Humblr? As stated above, Humblr intends to be a new home to all previous Tumblr users that were pushed of the site, by their new NSFW policies. We offer a place to post your photos, videos and stories, thus we have increased the default character limit of posts to 10k. We try to be an open community that can be home to every kinkster regardless of fetish or tendency. That is why, we do not condone racial or political slurs and hate speech and mandate everyone to tag their content appropriately! Stats Humblr is growing by the hour to become the largest kinky social media platform. Now it is your turn to be a part of it by signing up and posting photos, videos and messages! At the current rate we are growing: 1500+ Users per day 15GB+ of media per day 1000+ Statuses per hour Support Humblr is not owned and operated by a large corporation! Instead it is run as a passion project by fellow kinky people. Due to the fact that we run completely free of ads, we have to rely on your help to keep the lights on around here. If you are willing to support us, you can become one of our Patrons: Rules NEVER EVER post illegal content NEVER EVER post anything containing depictions of children! NEVER EVER post anything containing necrophilia or death! DO NOT sign up, if you are under 18! DO keep racism and hate hate speech to yourself! DO flag posts that don't follow the rules! DO use the CW (Content-Warning) function to flag posts that target a special audience or that fall in the taboo spectrum! (Hardcore TS, Scat, Blood, Piss, etc.) PLEASE use proper Hashtags describing your content, so other users can find and or filter your content! IF you automate posts, you may only upload one media per minute! Our servers will enforce that! ABDL users should go to as ABDL content is frowned upon here. Help Some People will post content that is either degrading or not to your liking. If these posts are not specifically against the rules, please do not report them. Mute and or filter them instead! This can be done by going into the Settings --> Filters. By using filters you ensure, that containing specific keywords will be hidden from your timelines! As stated in the rules, if you post content that targets a special Audience, you HAVE to check the "CW" button when creating a status. This adds a spoiler tag to your content. Please use it to properly describe your content! Where is my email? We are a new site and have been sending out 10,000s of emails every day. Some will get lost or blocked by your email provider. Check your spam folder. Services like (all T-Mobile) DO NOT WORK! Sign up for Gmail. -
͏s͏i͏n͏b͏l͏r. ?
from Mastodon hosted on sinblr.comPost unlimited images, videos & MP3 with 10.000 characters at your disposal! Adult content & NSFW is allowed on this Mastodon instance. Signup free and connect with your people. -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。 -
xyag 2.0.
from Mastodon hosted on xyag.spacewe're back.
Federation Bot ('s status on Tuesday, 17-Sep-2019 23:07:29 JST Federation Bot
Trending tags:
#rmsIn conversation from permalink -
Federation Bot ('s status on Tuesday, 17-Sep-2019 23:07:28 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (1403) (1286) (835) (572) (378) (319) (298) (293) (274)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on imastodon.netim@stodon is unofficial mastodon instance for fans of THE IDOLM@STER. If you speak English or Chinese, you can choose Of course, you can choose also this instance. アイマス + マストドン =アイマストドン アイマストドンはアイマスに興味がある皆さんのための非公式なマストドンインスタンスです。 しばしばアイマス以外の話題になることもありますが、最終的にはアイマスの話に戻ってくる、そんな場所です。 アイドルマスターと冠された作品なら範囲に制限はありません。 765プロ オールスターズ、ディアリースターズ、シンデレラガールズ、ミリオンライブ、SideM、ゼノグラシア、KR、シャイニーカラーズ、その他未だ見知らぬあらゆるアイマスまで。 その他諸々のガイドライン的なものについては、こちらをご覧ください。 -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.kemono-friends.infoよぉこそぉ~、ますとどんちほーへ~! 図書館 このインスタンスのサーバーはメディアストレージを除き日本国内に存在します。メデイアストレージは米国のどこかにあります -
from Mastodon hosted on flower.afn.socialマストドンあふんサーバーでち。 フラワーナイトガールが好きなひとが集まる場となったらいいなと思って作ったでち。 誰かを攻撃する発言、キャラクターをディスる発言、および犯罪につながる発言はやめてほしいでち。 利用ルール 日本の法律を遵守して利用してください。犯罪を助長するもしくは犯罪に加担する行為は禁止です。 他人が不快になるような発言は行わないでください。他の人や組織を誹謗中傷する発言や画像は禁止です。ゲームやそのキャラクターを蔑む発言や画像は禁止です。 エログロなど18禁扱いとなる画像、および他人を不快にする可能性がある画像はNSFWタグを付けて投稿してください。ただし、NSFWタグを付けた場合でも法律に抵触する画像は禁止です。 フォロ爆などサーバへ過度に負担のかかる行為は禁止です。連投についてはある程度許容しますが、サーバに負担をかける場合や意味のない文字列の連投は禁止です。 ネタバレについて メンテ前やメンテ中に実装前の花騎士の画像を投稿する行為は禁止です。 ネタバレは他の人に配慮してください。キャラクターストーリーや小説などは、まだ読んでいない人もいるはずです。そのような話をする場合はCWタグを付けて行うのが好ましいでしょう。 発言について 語尾に「でち」等を付けて話す人が多く居ます。不快にならないでください。 語尾に「でち」「にゃしぃ」「ぴょん」をつけることを許可します。 寄付について 現在、受け付ける予定はありません -
No result found on File_thumbnail lookup.
from Mastodon hosted on humblr.socialWelcome to the Humblr Mastodon, the new Tumblr alternative for kinky minded people! What is Humblr? As stated above, Humblr intends to be a new home to all previous Tumblr users that were pushed of the site, by their new NSFW policies. We offer a place to post your photos, videos and stories, thus we have increased the default character limit of posts to 10k. We try to be an open community that can be home to every kinkster regardless of fetish or tendency. That is why, we do not condone racial or political slurs and hate speech and mandate everyone to tag their content appropriately! Stats Humblr is growing by the hour to become the largest kinky social media platform. Now it is your turn to be a part of it by signing up and posting photos, videos and messages! At the current rate we are growing: 1500+ Users per day 15GB+ of media per day 1000+ Statuses per hour Support Humblr is not owned and operated by a large corporation! Instead it is run as a passion project by fellow kinky people. Due to the fact that we run completely free of ads, we have to rely on your help to keep the lights on around here. If you are willing to support us, you can become one of our Patrons: Rules NEVER EVER post illegal content NEVER EVER post anything containing depictions of children! NEVER EVER post anything containing necrophilia or death! DO NOT sign up, if you are under 18! DO keep racism and hate hate speech to yourself! DO flag posts that don't follow the rules! DO use the CW (Content-Warning) function to flag posts that target a special audience or that fall in the taboo spectrum! (Hardcore TS, Scat, Blood, Piss, etc.) PLEASE use proper Hashtags describing your content, so other users can find and or filter your content! IF you automate posts, you may only upload one media per minute! Our servers will enforce that! ABDL users should go to as ABDL content is frowned upon here. Help Some People will post content that is either degrading or not to your liking. If these posts are not specifically against the rules, please do not report them. Mute and or filter them instead! This can be done by going into the Settings --> Filters. By using filters you ensure, that containing specific keywords will be hidden from your timelines! As stated in the rules, if you post content that targets a special Audience, you HAVE to check the "CW" button when creating a status. This adds a spoiler tag to your content. Please use it to properly describe your content! Where is my email? We are a new site and have been sending out 10,000s of emails every day. Some will get lost or blocked by your email provider. Check your spam folder. Services like (all T-Mobile) DO NOT WORK! Sign up for Gmail. -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。 -
xyag 2.0.
from Mastodon hosted on xyag.spacewe're back.
Federation Bot ('s status on Tuesday, 17-Sep-2019 22:07:17 JST Federation Bot
Trending tags:
#rmsIn conversation from permalink -
Federation Bot ('s status on Tuesday, 17-Sep-2019 12:51:18 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (1956) (869) (668) (356) (297) (229) (228) (199) (194) (191)In conversation from permalink -
Federation Bot ('s status on Tuesday, 03-Sep-2019 10:00:25 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (685) (521) (467) (259) (200) (159) (154) (141) (139)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on switter.atWelcome to Switter! A sex work-friendly social space. In light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill and the recent shadow-banning of our accounts, we’ve decided to take social into our own hands. This is an open and free community for sex workers. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct. Have any questions? Want to know more? Click here. Check out Switter Listings! Search and listings posted on the #swlisting hashtag with Switter Listings. Check out our popular toots! See our popular toots here! Donate to Switter! Support Switter by making a donation! Ethical Escort Platform Check out – an ethical escort platform by Assembly Four. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.kemono-friends.infoよぉこそぉ~、ますとどんちほーへ~! 図書館 このインスタンスのサーバーはメディアストレージを除き日本国内に存在します。メデイアストレージは米国のどこかにあります -
Radical Town
from Mastodon hosted on radical.townA cool and chill place for cool and chill people. -
No result found on File_thumbnail lookup.
from Mastodon hosted on humblr.socialWelcome to the Humblr Mastodon, the new Tumblr alternative for kinky minded people! What is Humblr? As stated above, Humblr intends to be a new home to all previous Tumblr users that were pushed of the site, by their new NSFW policies. We offer a place to post your photos, videos and stories, thus we have increased the default character limit of posts to 10k. We try to be an open community that can be home to every kinkster regardless of fetish or tendency. That is why, we do not condone racial or political slurs and hate speech and mandate everyone to tag their content appropriately! Stats Humblr is growing by the hour to become the largest kinky social media platform. Now it is your turn to be a part of it by signing up and posting photos, videos and messages! At the current rate we are growing: 1500+ Users per day 15GB+ of media per day 1000+ Statuses per hour Support Humblr is not owned and operated by a large corporation! Instead it is run as a passion project by fellow kinky people. Due to the fact that we run completely free of ads, we have to rely on your help to keep the lights on around here. If you are willing to support us, you can become one of our Patrons: Rules NEVER EVER post illegal content NEVER EVER post anything containing depictions of children! NEVER EVER post anything containing necrophilia or death! DO NOT sign up, if you are under 18! DO keep racism and hate hate speech to yourself! DO flag posts that don't follow the rules! DO use the CW (Content-Warning) function to flag posts that target a special audience or that fall in the taboo spectrum! (Hardcore TS, Scat, Blood, Piss, etc.) PLEASE use proper Hashtags describing your content, so other users can find and or filter your content! IF you automate posts, you may only upload one media per minute! Our servers will enforce that! ABDL users should go to as ABDL content is frowned upon here. Help Some People will post content that is either degrading or not to your liking. If these posts are not specifically against the rules, please do not report them. Mute and or filter them instead! This can be done by going into the Settings --> Filters. By using filters you ensure, that containing specific keywords will be hidden from your timelines! As stated in the rules, if you post content that targets a special Audience, you HAVE to check the "CW" button when creating a status. This adds a spoiler tag to your content. Please use it to properly describe your content! Where is my email? We are a new site and have been sending out 10,000s of emails every day. Some will get lost or blocked by your email provider. Check your spam folder. Services like (all T-Mobile) DO NOT WORK! Sign up for Gmail. -
from Mastodon hosted on trollian.spaceA Homestuck Instance. Just all of the Homestuck. All of It. -
͏s͏i͏n͏b͏l͏r. ?
from Mastodon hosted on sinblr.comPost unlimited images, videos & MP3 with 10.000 characters at your disposal! Adult content & NSFW is allowed on this Mastodon instance. Signup free and connect with your people. -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。
Federation Bot ('s status on Sunday, 04-Aug-2019 14:10:02 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (687) (678) (583) (562) (358) (267) (249) (221) (217) (206)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on switter.atWelcome to Switter! A sex work-friendly social space. In light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill and the recent shadow-banning of our accounts, we’ve decided to take social into our own hands. This is an open and free community for sex workers. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct. Have any questions? Want to know more? Click here. Check out Switter Listings! Search and listings posted on the #swlisting hashtag with Switter Listings. Check out our popular toots! See our popular toots here! Donate to Switter! Support Switter by making a donation! Ethical Escort Platform Check out – an ethical escort platform by Assembly Four. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on vocalodon.net新規登録はこちらから! ボカロクラスタが集うMastodonインスタンス、通称「ボカロ丼(ボカロドン)」です。 ここでいうボカロクラスタとは以下の人たちを指します ボカロP、絵師、作詞、動画、MMDモデルなどボカロ楽曲や関連作品、データなどを制作している人 ボカロ楽曲を聴いている人、掛けてる人、歌ってみてる人、踊ってみてる人、紹介してる人 ボカロではないが似た技術(UTAUなど)での楽曲制作や音源制作を行っている、または聴いたり歌ったりしている人 その他、ボカロ関連技術に携わっていたり、コスプレや同人活動などでボカロ関連の楽しみを享受している人など 上記に該当すれば、インスタンス内での話題はボカロ関連でなくても構いません。 利用規約 常に楽しい雰囲気作りを心がけてください。他の方が不快となるような書き込みは行わないように注意してください。 ボカロ丼は未成年の方も歓迎するSNSになります。未成年に配慮した書き込みを心がけください。 デフォルトでは投稿はインターネット上に全公開されます。またマストドンの性格上、他のインスタンスにも投稿内容は流れます。とくに個人情報や機密情報などの投稿については公開範囲に十分ご注意下さい。 危険行為を促す書き込み、犯罪予告、自殺予告などの書き込みが行われた場合には通報を行う場合があります。 画像などを直接添付し投稿する場合には以下の点にご注意ください。 その画像や動画などを投稿する権利が投稿者にあるかどうかご確認ください。権利のないものについては外部リンクをご利用ください。 R18指定の画像や動画は投稿しないでください。 その他、他の方が不快となる画像の投稿はおやめください。人を選ぶ投稿については適宜「閲覧注意」機能をお使いください。 フォロー、リムーブ、ブロック、ミュートなどは各アカウントの自由ですので適宜ご利用ください。また、ブロック、ミュート、リムーブした/された、の報告トゥートは他の方に不快な印象を与えますのでお控えください。 Bot(自動投稿機能)の利用は禁止ではありませんが、コミュニケーション可能なアカウント(質問などをリプライして応答があるアカウント)であることと、内容がボカロ丼の趣旨に適したものであることが条件です。また、ほかの方が不快となるような頻度での投稿はお控えください。 禁止事項に抵触する行為が多い、あるいはそれに類する問題が多い、管理者からの質問に対して長期間リプライのないアカウントについては凍結する場合があります。 その他の特記事項 ブラウザでログインすると、投稿覧の下にお知らせ覧が表示されます。そちらもご覧ください。 他のインスタンスから来られた方は、そのインスタンスのローカルルールはこちらでは適用されない場合がありますのでご注意ください。 運営費用について ボカロ丼のサーバ代は「ボカロ丼公式コンピレーションアルバム」の売り上げでまかなわれています。公式コンピは、各種イベントの他、とらのあなでの通信販売を行っています。 他のインスタンスから来られた方は、そのインスタンスのローカルルールはこちらでは適用されない場合がありますのでご注意ください。 お知らせ aboutページの絵はタカさん(@taka)に描いていただきました! スタート画面(タイムライン右下)の絵はtimidoさん(@timido)に描いていただきました! サイトアイコンはをきちさん(@wokichan)に描いていただきました! メンテナンス中ページはそうださん(@souda)に描いていただきました! FAQ Q : ここってボカロPの溜まり場なの? 違います!たしかに今のところボカロPのつぶやきが多めとなっておりますが、リスナーの方も気にせずガンガン書き込んじゃってください!むしろ知ってるボカロPにリプ送ったりするチャンスです。 Q : 初めてログインしたらどうしたらいい? まずはローカルタイムライン(LTL)にお越しください。ボカロ丼では今のところフォローしあってホームタイムラインで話すよりも、LTLでチャット風に会話するのが主流です。ざっと眺めながら気が向いたら書き込んでみてください。 Q : 私の書き込み、ローカルタイムライン(LTL)に流れないんですが... iOSのAmaroqの場合、デフォルトではLTLには流れない設定になっています。「Default post to public」に変更するとLTLに流れるようになりますよ。 その他の情報はこちらをご覧ください!→ ボカロ丼info ※「VOCALOID(ボーカロイド)」ならびに「ボカロ」はヤマハ株式会社の登録商標です。 ※ 本サービスは日本のサーバにより運営されています。EUからのアクセスユーザの方は、本名、住所、クレジットカードなどの個人情報を当サービスに登録しないようにお願い致します。 ※ なお、当サービスのユーザ情報や書き込み内容は、ユーザ本人による削除および他のマストドンインスタンスへの引っ越しが可能となっております。 * This service is operated by a Japanese server. For users accessing from the EU, please do not register personal information such as real name, address, credit card etc in this service. * The user information and written contents of this service can be deleted by the user himself and also moved to other Mastodon instances. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.kemono-friends.infoよぉこそぉ~、ますとどんちほーへ~! 図書館 このインスタンスのサーバーはメディアストレージを除き日本国内に存在します。メデイアストレージは米国のどこかにあります -
No result found on File_thumbnail lookup.
from Mastodon hosted on humblr.socialWelcome to the Humblr Mastodon, the new Tumblr alternative for kinky minded people! What is Humblr? As stated above, Humblr intends to be a new home to all previous Tumblr users that were pushed of the site, by their new NSFW policies. We offer a place to post your photos, videos and stories, thus we have increased the default character limit of posts to 10k. We try to be an open community that can be home to every kinkster regardless of fetish or tendency. That is why, we do not condone racial or political slurs and hate speech and mandate everyone to tag their content appropriately! Stats Humblr is growing by the hour to become the largest kinky social media platform. Now it is your turn to be a part of it by signing up and posting photos, videos and messages! At the current rate we are growing: 1500+ Users per day 15GB+ of media per day 1000+ Statuses per hour Support Humblr is not owned and operated by a large corporation! Instead it is run as a passion project by fellow kinky people. Due to the fact that we run completely free of ads, we have to rely on your help to keep the lights on around here. If you are willing to support us, you can become one of our Patrons: Rules NEVER EVER post illegal content NEVER EVER post anything containing depictions of children! NEVER EVER post anything containing necrophilia or death! DO NOT sign up, if you are under 18! DO keep racism and hate hate speech to yourself! DO flag posts that don't follow the rules! DO use the CW (Content-Warning) function to flag posts that target a special audience or that fall in the taboo spectrum! (Hardcore TS, Scat, Blood, Piss, etc.) PLEASE use proper Hashtags describing your content, so other users can find and or filter your content! IF you automate posts, you may only upload one media per minute! Our servers will enforce that! ABDL users should go to as ABDL content is frowned upon here. Help Some People will post content that is either degrading or not to your liking. If these posts are not specifically against the rules, please do not report them. Mute and or filter them instead! This can be done by going into the Settings --> Filters. By using filters you ensure, that containing specific keywords will be hidden from your timelines! As stated in the rules, if you post content that targets a special Audience, you HAVE to check the "CW" button when creating a status. This adds a spoiler tag to your content. Please use it to properly describe your content! Where is my email? We are a new site and have been sending out 10,000s of emails every day. Some will get lost or blocked by your email provider. Check your spam folder. Services like (all T-Mobile) DO NOT WORK! Sign up for Gmail. -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。 -
United Nations of Jovan
from Mastodon hosted on ehjovan.comgay rights! -
from Mastodon hosted onグルドンと呼んでください) は、主にポッドキャスト や drikin YouTubeチャンネルリスナーに向けた、情報共有・交流・コラボレーションを目的とするコミュニティです。 参加者全てに楽しんで頂くことをめざしています。 現在、登録は制限させていただいており、サーバの負荷状況に応じて徐々に広げていく予定です。登録の告知については、backspace.fmのポッドキャストやメーリングリストでお伝えします。
Federation Bot ('s status on Friday, 19-Jul-2019 07:15:49 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (580) (523) (505) (382) (301) (293) (275) (202) (138)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on switter.atWelcome to Switter! A sex work-friendly social space. In light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill and the recent shadow-banning of our accounts, we’ve decided to take social into our own hands. This is an open and free community for sex workers. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct. Have any questions? Want to know more? Click here. Check out Switter Listings! Search and listings posted on the #swlisting hashtag with Switter Listings. Check out our popular toots! See our popular toots here! Donate to Switter! Support Switter by making a donation! Ethical Escort Platform Check out – an ethical escort platform by Assembly Four. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on niu.moeWelcome to your niu world ! We are a cute and loving international community O(≧▽≦)O ! We are a moderated instance, that aren't supporting harassment nor hateful speech, so what sets us apart? Well, unlike many instances like us, we won't prevent you to interact with instances that aren't respecting our rules. The main language used here is English, but for most of us this isn't our main language, so it's a great place to learn! Topics you might find here Here, we are open to any subjects, but the main ones are: Fictions / Animes / Mangas / Comics Gaming / e-Sport / Retro / Speedrun Programming / Security / IT stuffs Sometime politics / World events Pictures and story from around the world <3 -
from Mastodon hosted on botsin.spaceThis instance is for bots and bot allies. Anyone can sign up to be a user here or run your bot here. Users agree to the Code of Conduct listed on the information page. You might also want to review the terms of service. -
Radical Town
from Mastodon hosted on radical.townA cool and chill place for cool and chill people. -
No result found on File_thumbnail lookup.
from Mastodon hosted on humblr.socialWelcome to the Humblr Mastodon, the new Tumblr alternative for kinky minded people! What is Humblr? As stated above, Humblr intends to be a new home to all previous Tumblr users that were pushed of the site, by their new NSFW policies. We offer a place to post your photos, videos and stories, thus we have increased the default character limit of posts to 10k. We try to be an open community that can be home to every kinkster regardless of fetish or tendency. That is why, we do not condone racial or political slurs and hate speech and mandate everyone to tag their content appropriately! Stats Humblr is growing by the hour to become the largest kinky social media platform. Now it is your turn to be a part of it by signing up and posting photos, videos and messages! At the current rate we are growing: 1500+ Users per day 15GB+ of media per day 1000+ Statuses per hour Support Humblr is not owned and operated by a large corporation! Instead it is run as a passion project by fellow kinky people. Due to the fact that we run completely free of ads, we have to rely on your help to keep the lights on around here. If you are willing to support us, you can become one of our Patrons: Rules NEVER EVER post illegal content NEVER EVER post anything containing depictions of children! NEVER EVER post anything containing necrophilia or death! DO NOT sign up, if you are under 18! DO keep racism and hate hate speech to yourself! DO flag posts that don't follow the rules! DO use the CW (Content-Warning) function to flag posts that target a special audience or that fall in the taboo spectrum! (Hardcore TS, Scat, Blood, Piss, etc.) PLEASE use proper Hashtags describing your content, so other users can find and or filter your content! IF you automate posts, you may only upload one media per minute! Our servers will enforce that! ABDL users should go to as ABDL content is frowned upon here. Help Some People will post content that is either degrading or not to your liking. If these posts are not specifically against the rules, please do not report them. Mute and or filter them instead! This can be done by going into the Settings --> Filters. By using filters you ensure, that containing specific keywords will be hidden from your timelines! As stated in the rules, if you post content that targets a special Audience, you HAVE to check the "CW" button when creating a status. This adds a spoiler tag to your content. Please use it to properly describe your content! Where is my email? We are a new site and have been sending out 10,000s of emails every day. Some will get lost or blocked by your email provider. Check your spam folder. Services like (all T-Mobile) DO NOT WORK! Sign up for Gmail. -
͏s͏i͏n͏b͏l͏r. ?
from Mastodon hosted on sinblr.comPost unlimited images, videos & MP3 with 10.000 characters at your disposal! Adult content & NSFW is allowed on this Mastodon instance. Signup free and connect with your people. -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。
Federation Bot ('s status on Thursday, 18-Jul-2019 14:20:15 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (760) (660) (446) (351) (350) (312) (282) (281) (228) (181)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on switter.atWelcome to Switter! A sex work-friendly social space. In light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill and the recent shadow-banning of our accounts, we’ve decided to take social into our own hands. This is an open and free community for sex workers. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct. Have any questions? Want to know more? Click here. Check out Switter Listings! Search and listings posted on the #swlisting hashtag with Switter Listings. Check out our popular toots! See our popular toots here! Donate to Switter! Support Switter by making a donation! Ethical Escort Platform Check out – an ethical escort platform by Assembly Four. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on vocalodon.net新規登録はこちらから! ボカロクラスタが集うMastodonインスタンス、通称「ボカロ丼(ボカロドン)」です。 ここでいうボカロクラスタとは以下の人たちを指します ボカロP、絵師、作詞、動画、MMDモデルなどボカロ楽曲や関連作品、データなどを制作している人 ボカロ楽曲を聴いている人、掛けてる人、歌ってみてる人、踊ってみてる人、紹介してる人 ボカロではないが似た技術(UTAUなど)での楽曲制作や音源制作を行っている、または聴いたり歌ったりしている人 その他、ボカロ関連技術に携わっていたり、コスプレや同人活動などでボカロ関連の楽しみを享受している人など 上記に該当すれば、インスタンス内での話題はボカロ関連でなくても構いません。 利用規約 常に楽しい雰囲気作りを心がけてください。他の方が不快となるような書き込みは行わないように注意してください。 ボカロ丼は未成年の方も歓迎するSNSになります。未成年に配慮した書き込みを心がけください。 デフォルトでは投稿はインターネット上に全公開されます。またマストドンの性格上、他のインスタンスにも投稿内容は流れます。とくに個人情報や機密情報などの投稿については公開範囲に十分ご注意下さい。 危険行為を促す書き込み、犯罪予告、自殺予告などの書き込みが行われた場合には通報を行う場合があります。 画像などを直接添付し投稿する場合には以下の点にご注意ください。 その画像や動画などを投稿する権利が投稿者にあるかどうかご確認ください。権利のないものについては外部リンクをご利用ください。 R18指定の画像や動画は投稿しないでください。 その他、他の方が不快となる画像の投稿はおやめください。人を選ぶ投稿については適宜「閲覧注意」機能をお使いください。 フォロー、リムーブ、ブロック、ミュートなどは各アカウントの自由ですので適宜ご利用ください。また、ブロック、ミュート、リムーブした/された、の報告トゥートは他の方に不快な印象を与えますのでお控えください。 Bot(自動投稿機能)の利用は禁止ではありませんが、コミュニケーション可能なアカウント(質問などをリプライして応答があるアカウント)であることと、内容がボカロ丼の趣旨に適したものであることが条件です。また、ほかの方が不快となるような頻度での投稿はお控えください。 禁止事項に抵触する行為が多い、あるいはそれに類する問題が多い、管理者からの質問に対して長期間リプライのないアカウントについては凍結する場合があります。 その他の特記事項 ブラウザでログインすると、投稿覧の下にお知らせ覧が表示されます。そちらもご覧ください。 他のインスタンスから来られた方は、そのインスタンスのローカルルールはこちらでは適用されない場合がありますのでご注意ください。 運営費用について ボカロ丼のサーバ代は「ボカロ丼公式コンピレーションアルバム」の売り上げでまかなわれています。公式コンピは、各種イベントの他、とらのあなでの通信販売を行っています。 他のインスタンスから来られた方は、そのインスタンスのローカルルールはこちらでは適用されない場合がありますのでご注意ください。 お知らせ aboutページの絵はタカさん(@taka)に描いていただきました! スタート画面(タイムライン右下)の絵はtimidoさん(@timido)に描いていただきました! サイトアイコンはをきちさん(@wokichan)に描いていただきました! メンテナンス中ページはそうださん(@souda)に描いていただきました! FAQ Q : ここってボカロPの溜まり場なの? 違います!たしかに今のところボカロPのつぶやきが多めとなっておりますが、リスナーの方も気にせずガンガン書き込んじゃってください!むしろ知ってるボカロPにリプ送ったりするチャンスです。 Q : 初めてログインしたらどうしたらいい? まずはローカルタイムライン(LTL)にお越しください。ボカロ丼では今のところフォローしあってホームタイムラインで話すよりも、LTLでチャット風に会話するのが主流です。ざっと眺めながら気が向いたら書き込んでみてください。 Q : 私の書き込み、ローカルタイムライン(LTL)に流れないんですが... iOSのAmaroqの場合、デフォルトではLTLには流れない設定になっています。「Default post to public」に変更するとLTLに流れるようになりますよ。 その他の情報はこちらをご覧ください!→ ボカロ丼info ※「VOCALOID(ボーカロイド)」ならびに「ボカロ」はヤマハ株式会社の登録商標です。 ※ 本サービスは日本のサーバにより運営されています。EUからのアクセスユーザの方は、本名、住所、クレジットカードなどの個人情報を当サービスに登録しないようにお願い致します。 ※ なお、当サービスのユーザ情報や書き込み内容は、ユーザ本人による削除および他のマストドンインスタンスへの引っ越しが可能となっております。 * This service is operated by a Japanese server. For users accessing from the EU, please do not register personal information such as real name, address, credit card etc in this service. * The user information and written contents of this service can be deleted by the user himself and also moved to other Mastodon instances. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.kemono-friends.infoよぉこそぉ~、ますとどんちほーへ~! 図書館 このインスタンスのサーバーはメディアストレージを除き日本国内に存在します。メデイアストレージは米国のどこかにあります -
Radical Town
from Mastodon hosted on radical.townA cool and chill place for cool and chill people. -
No result found on File_thumbnail lookup.
from Mastodon hosted on humblr.socialWelcome to the Humblr Mastodon, the new Tumblr alternative for kinky minded people! What is Humblr? As stated above, Humblr intends to be a new home to all previous Tumblr users that were pushed of the site, by their new NSFW policies. We offer a place to post your photos, videos and stories, thus we have increased the default character limit of posts to 10k. We try to be an open community that can be home to every kinkster regardless of fetish or tendency. That is why, we do not condone racial or political slurs and hate speech and mandate everyone to tag their content appropriately! Stats Humblr is growing by the hour to become the largest kinky social media platform. Now it is your turn to be a part of it by signing up and posting photos, videos and messages! At the current rate we are growing: 1500+ Users per day 15GB+ of media per day 1000+ Statuses per hour Support Humblr is not owned and operated by a large corporation! Instead it is run as a passion project by fellow kinky people. Due to the fact that we run completely free of ads, we have to rely on your help to keep the lights on around here. If you are willing to support us, you can become one of our Patrons: Rules NEVER EVER post illegal content NEVER EVER post anything containing depictions of children! NEVER EVER post anything containing necrophilia or death! DO NOT sign up, if you are under 18! DO keep racism and hate hate speech to yourself! DO flag posts that don't follow the rules! DO use the CW (Content-Warning) function to flag posts that target a special audience or that fall in the taboo spectrum! (Hardcore TS, Scat, Blood, Piss, etc.) PLEASE use proper Hashtags describing your content, so other users can find and or filter your content! IF you automate posts, you may only upload one media per minute! Our servers will enforce that! ABDL users should go to as ABDL content is frowned upon here. Help Some People will post content that is either degrading or not to your liking. If these posts are not specifically against the rules, please do not report them. Mute and or filter them instead! This can be done by going into the Settings --> Filters. By using filters you ensure, that containing specific keywords will be hidden from your timelines! As stated in the rules, if you post content that targets a special Audience, you HAVE to check the "CW" button when creating a status. This adds a spoiler tag to your content. Please use it to properly describe your content! Where is my email? We are a new site and have been sending out 10,000s of emails every day. Some will get lost or blocked by your email provider. Check your spam folder. Services like (all T-Mobile) DO NOT WORK! Sign up for Gmail. -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。 -
from Mastodon hosted on skaia.spaceRULES: Follow general mastodon rules Things that MUST be tagged: 1. NSFW 2. Suicide/Suicidal Ideation 3. Self Harm 4. Gore -
United Nations of Jovan
from Mastodon hosted on ehjovan.comgay rights!
Federation Bot ('s status on Saturday, 01-Jun-2019 09:01:24 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (1510) (776) (774) (374) (352) (275) (245) (174) (173) (144)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on switter.atWelcome to Switter! A sex work-friendly social space. In light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill and the recent shadow-banning of our accounts, we’ve decided to take social into our own hands. This is an open and free community for sex workers. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct. Have any questions? Want to know more? Click here. Check out Switter Listings! Search and listings posted on the #swlisting hashtag with Switter Listings. Check out our popular toots! See our popular toots here! Donate to Switter! Support Switter by making a donation! Ethical Escort Platform Check out – an ethical escort platform by Assembly Four. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on is Fast and Stable instance. This instance isn't focused on any theme or subject, feel free to talk about whatever you want. Although the main languages are English and Japanese, We accept every single language and country. Everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct! Infrastructure and more details: /about/more Status: If you have any questions about this instance, please ask here: -
Radical Town
from Mastodon hosted on radical.townA cool and chill place for cool and chill people. -
No result found on File_thumbnail lookup.
from Mastodon hosted on humblr.socialWelcome to the Humblr Mastodon, the new Tumblr alternative for kinky minded people! What is Humblr? As stated above, Humblr intends to be a new home to all previous Tumblr users that were pushed of the site, by their new NSFW policies. We offer a place to post your photos, videos and stories, thus we have increased the default character limit of posts to 10k. We try to be an open community that can be home to every kinkster regardless of fetish or tendency. That is why, we do not condone racial or political slurs and hate speech and mandate everyone to tag their content appropriately! Stats Humblr is growing by the hour to become the largest kinky social media platform. Now it is your turn to be a part of it by signing up and posting photos, videos and messages! At the current rate we are growing: 1500+ Users per day 15GB+ of media per day 1000+ Statuses per hour Support Humblr is not owned and operated by a large corporation! Instead it is run as a passion project by fellow kinky people. Due to the fact that we run completely free of ads, we have to rely on your help to keep the lights on around here. If you are willing to support us, you can become one of our Patrons: Rules NEVER EVER post illegal content NEVER EVER post anything containing depictions of children! NEVER EVER post anything containing necrophilia or death! DO NOT sign up, if you are under 18! DO keep racism and hate hate speech to yourself! DO flag posts that don't follow the rules! DO use the CW (Content-Warning) function to flag posts that target a special audience or that fall in the taboo spectrum! (Hardcore TS, Scat, Blood, Piss, etc.) PLEASE use proper Hashtags describing your content, so other users can find and or filter your content! IF you automate posts, you may only upload one media per minute! Our servers will enforce that! ABDL users should go to as ABDL content is frowned upon here. Help Some People will post content that is either degrading or not to your liking. If these posts are not specifically against the rules, please do not report them. Mute and or filter them instead! This can be done by going into the Settings --> Filters. By using filters you ensure, that containing specific keywords will be hidden from your timelines! As stated in the rules, if you post content that targets a special Audience, you HAVE to check the "CW" button when creating a status. This adds a spoiler tag to your content. Please use it to properly describe your content! Where is my email? We are a new site and have been sending out 10,000s of emails every day. Some will get lost or blocked by your email provider. Check your spam folder. Services like (all T-Mobile) DO NOT WORK! Sign up for Gmail. -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。 -
from Mastodon hosted on skaia.spaceRULES: Follow general mastodon rules Things that MUST be tagged: 1. NSFW 2. Suicide/Suicidal Ideation 3. Self Harm 4. Gore -
United Nations of Jovan
from Mastodon hosted on ehjovan.comgay rights!
Federation Bot ('s status on Thursday, 30-May-2019 10:46:12 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (1315) (594) (412) (362) (311) (295) (291) (216) (205) (170)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on botsin.spaceThis instance is for bots and bot allies. Anyone can sign up to be a user here or run your bot here. Users agree to the Code of Conduct listed on the information page. You might also want to review the terms of service. -
Radical Town
from Mastodon hosted on radical.townA cool and chill place for cool and chill people. -
No result found on File_thumbnail lookup.
from Mastodon hosted on humblr.socialWelcome to the Humblr Mastodon, the new Tumblr alternative for kinky minded people! What is Humblr? As stated above, Humblr intends to be a new home to all previous Tumblr users that were pushed of the site, by their new NSFW policies. We offer a place to post your photos, videos and stories, thus we have increased the default character limit of posts to 10k. We try to be an open community that can be home to every kinkster regardless of fetish or tendency. That is why, we do not condone racial or political slurs and hate speech and mandate everyone to tag their content appropriately! Stats Humblr is growing by the hour to become the largest kinky social media platform. Now it is your turn to be a part of it by signing up and posting photos, videos and messages! At the current rate we are growing: 1500+ Users per day 15GB+ of media per day 1000+ Statuses per hour Support Humblr is not owned and operated by a large corporation! Instead it is run as a passion project by fellow kinky people. Due to the fact that we run completely free of ads, we have to rely on your help to keep the lights on around here. If you are willing to support us, you can become one of our Patrons: Rules NEVER EVER post illegal content NEVER EVER post anything containing depictions of children! NEVER EVER post anything containing necrophilia or death! DO NOT sign up, if you are under 18! DO keep racism and hate hate speech to yourself! DO flag posts that don't follow the rules! DO use the CW (Content-Warning) function to flag posts that target a special audience or that fall in the taboo spectrum! (Hardcore TS, Scat, Blood, Piss, etc.) PLEASE use proper Hashtags describing your content, so other users can find and or filter your content! IF you automate posts, you may only upload one media per minute! Our servers will enforce that! ABDL users should go to as ABDL content is frowned upon here. Help Some People will post content that is either degrading or not to your liking. If these posts are not specifically against the rules, please do not report them. Mute and or filter them instead! This can be done by going into the Settings --> Filters. By using filters you ensure, that containing specific keywords will be hidden from your timelines! As stated in the rules, if you post content that targets a special Audience, you HAVE to check the "CW" button when creating a status. This adds a spoiler tag to your content. Please use it to properly describe your content! Where is my email? We are a new site and have been sending out 10,000s of emails every day. Some will get lost or blocked by your email provider. Check your spam folder. Services like (all T-Mobile) DO NOT WORK! Sign up for Gmail. -
from Mastodon hosted on trollian.spaceA Homestuck Instance. Just all of the Homestuck. All of It. -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。 -
from Mastodon hosted on skaia.spaceRULES: Follow general mastodon rules Things that MUST be tagged: 1. NSFW 2. Suicide/Suicidal Ideation 3. Self Harm 4. Gore -
United Nations of Jovan
from Mastodon hosted on ehjovan.comgay rights!
Federation Bot ('s status on Tuesday, 28-May-2019 06:55:57 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (1126) (846) (520) (382) (358) (324) (219) (182) (171) (153)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on switter.atWelcome to Switter! A sex work-friendly social space. In light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill and the recent shadow-banning of our accounts, we’ve decided to take social into our own hands. This is an open and free community for sex workers. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct. Have any questions? Want to know more? Click here. Check out Switter Listings! Search and listings posted on the #swlisting hashtag with Switter Listings. Check out our popular toots! See our popular toots here! Donate to Switter! Support Switter by making a donation! Ethical Escort Platform Check out – an ethical escort platform by Assembly Four. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on niu.moeWelcome to your niu world ! We are a cute and loving international community O(≧▽≦)O ! We are a moderated instance, that aren't supporting harassment nor hateful speech, so what sets us apart? Well, unlike many instances like us, we won't prevent you to interact with instances that aren't respecting our rules. The main language used here is English, but for most of us this isn't our main language, so it's a great place to learn! Topics you might find here Here, we are open to any subjects, but the main ones are: Fictions / Animes / Mangas / Comics Gaming / e-Sport / Retro / Speedrun Programming / Security / IT stuffs Sometime politics / World events Pictures and story from around the world <3 -
Radical Town
from Mastodon hosted on radical.townA cool and chill place for cool and chill people. -
No result found on File_thumbnail lookup.
from Mastodon hosted on humblr.socialWelcome to the Humblr Mastodon, the new Tumblr alternative for kinky minded people! What is Humblr? As stated above, Humblr intends to be a new home to all previous Tumblr users that were pushed of the site, by their new NSFW policies. We offer a place to post your photos, videos and stories, thus we have increased the default character limit of posts to 10k. We try to be an open community that can be home to every kinkster regardless of fetish or tendency. That is why, we do not condone racial or political slurs and hate speech and mandate everyone to tag their content appropriately! Stats Humblr is growing by the hour to become the largest kinky social media platform. Now it is your turn to be a part of it by signing up and posting photos, videos and messages! At the current rate we are growing: 1500+ Users per day 15GB+ of media per day 1000+ Statuses per hour Support Humblr is not owned and operated by a large corporation! Instead it is run as a passion project by fellow kinky people. Due to the fact that we run completely free of ads, we have to rely on your help to keep the lights on around here. If you are willing to support us, you can become one of our Patrons: Rules NEVER EVER post illegal content NEVER EVER post anything containing depictions of children! NEVER EVER post anything containing necrophilia or death! DO NOT sign up, if you are under 18! DO keep racism and hate hate speech to yourself! DO flag posts that don't follow the rules! DO use the CW (Content-Warning) function to flag posts that target a special audience or that fall in the taboo spectrum! (Hardcore TS, Scat, Blood, Piss, etc.) PLEASE use proper Hashtags describing your content, so other users can find and or filter your content! IF you automate posts, you may only upload one media per minute! Our servers will enforce that! ABDL users should go to as ABDL content is frowned upon here. Help Some People will post content that is either degrading or not to your liking. If these posts are not specifically against the rules, please do not report them. Mute and or filter them instead! This can be done by going into the Settings --> Filters. By using filters you ensure, that containing specific keywords will be hidden from your timelines! As stated in the rules, if you post content that targets a special Audience, you HAVE to check the "CW" button when creating a status. This adds a spoiler tag to your content. Please use it to properly describe your content! Where is my email? We are a new site and have been sending out 10,000s of emails every day. Some will get lost or blocked by your email provider. Check your spam folder. Services like (all T-Mobile) DO NOT WORK! Sign up for Gmail. -
͏s͏i͏n͏b͏l͏r. ?
from Mastodon hosted on sinblr.comPost unlimited images, videos & MP3 with 10.000 characters at your disposal! Adult content & NSFW is allowed on this Mastodon instance. Signup free and connect with your people. -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。 -
from Mastodon hosted on skaia.spaceRULES: Follow general mastodon rules Things that MUST be tagged: 1. NSFW 2. Suicide/Suicidal Ideation 3. Self Harm 4. Gore
Federation Bot ('s status on Monday, 27-May-2019 10:05:25 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (1419) (915) (823) (449) (302) (267) (255) (213) (206) (177)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on switter.atWelcome to Switter! A sex work-friendly social space. In light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill and the recent shadow-banning of our accounts, we’ve decided to take social into our own hands. This is an open and free community for sex workers. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct. Have any questions? Want to know more? Click here. Check out Switter Listings! Search and listings posted on the #swlisting hashtag with Switter Listings. Check out our popular toots! See our popular toots here! Donate to Switter! Support Switter by making a donation! Ethical Escort Platform Check out – an ethical escort platform by Assembly Four. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on mimumedon.com現在スパム対策に新規登録はこちらのページから受け付けております Mimumedonはグラブルの話題を中心としたマストドンインスタンスです。 グラブルが好きでマストドンで遊んでみたいという人が集まる場所となれば幸いです。 ミムメモ速報の中の人がつくりました。 お知らせ 10月12日(木)ガイドライン策定のお知らせ mimumedonをご利用頂くにあたってのガイドラインを策定しました ガイドラインにつきましてはこちらをご覧ください。 運営方針について 「グラブルを遊んでる人が楽しく過ごせる場所」を目指してやっていきたいと考えています。 ルール・注意事項 公序良俗に反する投稿はおやめください BOTの類となる利用はおやめください 他者への誹謗中傷、罵倒、暴言、差別的発言はおやめください お問い合わせ先 ミムメモ速報: Mimumedon管理アカウントはこちら → @mimumemo Twitterアカウントはこちら → @guran_mimumemo -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on is Fast and Stable instance. This instance isn't focused on any theme or subject, feel free to talk about whatever you want. Although the main languages are English and Japanese, We accept every single language and country. Everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct! Infrastructure and more details: /about/more Status: If you have any questions about this instance, please ask here: -
Radical Town
from Mastodon hosted on radical.townA cool and chill place for cool and chill people. -
from Mastodon hosted on trollian.spaceA Homestuck Instance. Just all of the Homestuck. All of It. -
͏s͏i͏n͏b͏l͏r. ?
from Mastodon hosted on sinblr.comPost unlimited images, videos & MP3 with 10.000 characters at your disposal! Adult content & NSFW is allowed on this Mastodon instance. Signup free and connect with your people. -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。
Federation Bot ('s status on Monday, 27-May-2019 01:30:26 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (1070) (986) (585) (445) (344) (297) (264) (221) (200) (179)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on switter.atWelcome to Switter! A sex work-friendly social space. In light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill and the recent shadow-banning of our accounts, we’ve decided to take social into our own hands. This is an open and free community for sex workers. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct. Have any questions? Want to know more? Click here. Check out Switter Listings! Search and listings posted on the #swlisting hashtag with Switter Listings. Check out our popular toots! See our popular toots here! Donate to Switter! Support Switter by making a donation! Ethical Escort Platform Check out – an ethical escort platform by Assembly Four. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on mimumedon.com現在スパム対策に新規登録はこちらのページから受け付けております Mimumedonはグラブルの話題を中心としたマストドンインスタンスです。 グラブルが好きでマストドンで遊んでみたいという人が集まる場所となれば幸いです。 ミムメモ速報の中の人がつくりました。 お知らせ 10月12日(木)ガイドライン策定のお知らせ mimumedonをご利用頂くにあたってのガイドラインを策定しました ガイドラインにつきましてはこちらをご覧ください。 運営方針について 「グラブルを遊んでる人が楽しく過ごせる場所」を目指してやっていきたいと考えています。 ルール・注意事項 公序良俗に反する投稿はおやめください BOTの類となる利用はおやめください 他者への誹謗中傷、罵倒、暴言、差別的発言はおやめください お問い合わせ先 ミムメモ速報: Mimumedon管理アカウントはこちら → @mimumemo Twitterアカウントはこちら → @guran_mimumemo -
from Mastodon hosted on imastodon.netim@stodon is unofficial mastodon instance for fans of THE IDOLM@STER. If you speak English or Chinese, you can choose Of course, you can choose also this instance. アイマス + マストドン =アイマストドン アイマストドンはアイマスに興味がある皆さんのための非公式なマストドンインスタンスです。 しばしばアイマス以外の話題になることもありますが、最終的にはアイマスの話に戻ってくる、そんな場所です。 アイドルマスターと冠された作品なら範囲に制限はありません。 765プロ オールスターズ、ディアリースターズ、シンデレラガールズ、ミリオンライブ、SideM、ゼノグラシア、KR、シャイニーカラーズ、その他未だ見知らぬあらゆるアイマスまで。 その他諸々のガイドライン的なものについては、こちらをご覧ください。 -
from Mastodon hosted on pawoo.netPawoo(パウー)はピクシブが運営するMastodonのインスタンス(サーバー)です。 「創作活動や自由なコミュニケーションを楽しめる場」として、どなたにも幅広く使っていただけます。 -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。 -
Federation Bot ('s status on Sunday, 26-May-2019 20:22:02 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (1372) (1341) (564) (376) (290) (286) (245) (241) (228) (221)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on switter.atWelcome to Switter! A sex work-friendly social space. In light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill and the recent shadow-banning of our accounts, we’ve decided to take social into our own hands. This is an open and free community for sex workers. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct. Have any questions? Want to know more? Click here. Check out Switter Listings! Search and listings posted on the #swlisting hashtag with Switter Listings. Check out our popular toots! See our popular toots here! Donate to Switter! Support Switter by making a donation! Ethical Escort Platform Check out – an ethical escort platform by Assembly Four. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on imastodon.netim@stodon is unofficial mastodon instance for fans of THE IDOLM@STER. If you speak English or Chinese, you can choose Of course, you can choose also this instance. アイマス + マストドン =アイマストドン アイマストドンはアイマスに興味がある皆さんのための非公式なマストドンインスタンスです。 しばしばアイマス以外の話題になることもありますが、最終的にはアイマスの話に戻ってくる、そんな場所です。 アイドルマスターと冠された作品なら範囲に制限はありません。 765プロ オールスターズ、ディアリースターズ、シンデレラガールズ、ミリオンライブ、SideM、ゼノグラシア、KR、シャイニーカラーズ、その他未だ見知らぬあらゆるアイマスまで。 その他諸々のガイドライン的なものについては、こちらをご覧ください。 -
from Mastodon hosted on pawoo.netPawoo(パウー)はピクシブが運営するMastodonのインスタンス(サーバー)です。 「創作活動や自由なコミュニケーションを楽しめる場」として、どなたにも幅広く使っていただけます。 -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on vocalodon.net新規登録はこちらから! ボカロクラスタが集うMastodonインスタンス、通称「ボカロ丼(ボカロドン)」です。 ここでいうボカロクラスタとは以下の人たちを指します ボカロP、絵師、作詞、動画、MMDモデルなどボカロ楽曲や関連作品、データなどを制作している人 ボカロ楽曲を聴いている人、掛けてる人、歌ってみてる人、踊ってみてる人、紹介してる人 ボカロではないが似た技術(UTAUなど)での楽曲制作や音源制作を行っている、または聴いたり歌ったりしている人 その他、ボカロ関連技術に携わっていたり、コスプレや同人活動などでボカロ関連の楽しみを享受している人など 上記に該当すれば、インスタンス内での話題はボカロ関連でなくても構いません。 利用規約 常に楽しい雰囲気作りを心がけてください。他の方が不快となるような書き込みは行わないように注意してください。 ボカロ丼は未成年の方も歓迎するSNSになります。未成年に配慮した書き込みを心がけください。 デフォルトでは投稿はインターネット上に全公開されます。またマストドンの性格上、他のインスタンスにも投稿内容は流れます。とくに個人情報や機密情報などの投稿については公開範囲に十分ご注意下さい。 危険行為を促す書き込み、犯罪予告、自殺予告などの書き込みが行われた場合には通報を行う場合があります。 画像などを直接添付し投稿する場合には以下の点にご注意ください。 その画像や動画などを投稿する権利が投稿者にあるかどうかご確認ください。権利のないものについては外部リンクをご利用ください。 R18指定の画像や動画は投稿しないでください。 その他、他の方が不快となる画像の投稿はおやめください。人を選ぶ投稿については適宜「閲覧注意」機能をお使いください。 フォロー、リムーブ、ブロック、ミュートなどは各アカウントの自由ですので適宜ご利用ください。また、ブロック、ミュート、リムーブした/された、の報告トゥートは他の方に不快な印象を与えますのでお控えください。 Bot(自動投稿機能)の利用は禁止ではありませんが、コミュニケーション可能なアカウント(質問などをリプライして応答があるアカウント)であることと、内容がボカロ丼の趣旨に適したものであることが条件です。また、ほかの方が不快となるような頻度での投稿はお控えください。 禁止事項に抵触する行為が多い、あるいはそれに類する問題が多い、管理者からの質問に対して長期間リプライのないアカウントについては凍結する場合があります。 その他の特記事項 ブラウザでログインすると、投稿覧の下にお知らせ覧が表示されます。そちらもご覧ください。 他のインスタンスから来られた方は、そのインスタンスのローカルルールはこちらでは適用されない場合がありますのでご注意ください。 運営費用について ボカロ丼のサーバ代は「ボカロ丼公式コンピレーションアルバム」の売り上げでまかなわれています。公式コンピは、各種イベントの他、とらのあなでの通信販売を行っています。 他のインスタンスから来られた方は、そのインスタンスのローカルルールはこちらでは適用されない場合がありますのでご注意ください。 お知らせ aboutページの絵はタカさん(@taka)に描いていただきました! スタート画面(タイムライン右下)の絵はtimidoさん(@timido)に描いていただきました! サイトアイコンはをきちさん(@wokichan)に描いていただきました! メンテナンス中ページはそうださん(@souda)に描いていただきました! FAQ Q : ここってボカロPの溜まり場なの? 違います!たしかに今のところボカロPのつぶやきが多めとなっておりますが、リスナーの方も気にせずガンガン書き込んじゃってください!むしろ知ってるボカロPにリプ送ったりするチャンスです。 Q : 初めてログインしたらどうしたらいい? まずはローカルタイムライン(LTL)にお越しください。ボカロ丼では今のところフォローしあってホームタイムラインで話すよりも、LTLでチャット風に会話するのが主流です。ざっと眺めながら気が向いたら書き込んでみてください。 Q : 私の書き込み、ローカルタイムライン(LTL)に流れないんですが... iOSのAmaroqの場合、デフォルトではLTLには流れない設定になっています。「Default post to public」に変更するとLTLに流れるようになりますよ。 その他の情報はこちらをご覧ください!→ ボカロ丼info ※「VOCALOID(ボーカロイド)」ならびに「ボカロ」はヤマハ株式会社の登録商標です。 ※ 本サービスは日本のサーバにより運営されています。EUからのアクセスユーザの方は、本名、住所、クレジットカードなどの個人情報を当サービスに登録しないようにお願い致します。 ※ なお、当サービスのユーザ情報や書き込み内容は、ユーザ本人による削除および他のマストドンインスタンスへの引っ越しが可能となっております。 * This service is operated by a Japanese server. For users accessing from the EU, please do not register personal information such as real name, address, credit card etc in this service. * The user information and written contents of this service can be deleted by the user himself and also moved to other Mastodon instances. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.kemono-friends.infoよぉこそぉ~、ますとどんちほーへ~! 図書館 このインスタンスのサーバーはメディアストレージを除き日本国内に存在します。メデイアストレージは米国のどこかにあります -
from Mastodon hosted on flower.afn.socialマストドンあふんサーバーでち。 フラワーナイトガールが好きなひとが集まる場となったらいいなと思って作ったでち。 誰かを攻撃する発言、キャラクターをディスる発言、および犯罪につながる発言はやめてほしいでち。 利用ルール 日本の法律を遵守して利用してください。犯罪を助長するもしくは犯罪に加担する行為は禁止です。 他人が不快になるような発言は行わないでください。他の人や組織を誹謗中傷する発言や画像は禁止です。ゲームやそのキャラクターを蔑む発言や画像は禁止です。 エログロなど18禁扱いとなる画像、および他人を不快にする可能性がある画像はNSFWタグを付けて投稿してください。ただし、NSFWタグを付けた場合でも法律に抵触する画像は禁止です。 フォロ爆などサーバへ過度に負担のかかる行為は禁止です。連投についてはある程度許容しますが、サーバに負担をかける場合や意味のない文字列の連投は禁止です。 ネタバレについて メンテ前やメンテ中に実装前の花騎士の画像を投稿する行為は禁止です。 ネタバレは他の人に配慮してください。キャラクターストーリーや小説などは、まだ読んでいない人もいるはずです。そのような話をする場合はCWタグを付けて行うのが好ましいでしょう。 発言について 語尾に「でち」等を付けて話す人が多く居ます。不快にならないでください。 語尾に「でち」「にゃしぃ」「ぴょん」をつけることを許可します。 寄付について 現在、受け付ける予定はありません -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。
Federation Bot ('s status on Friday, 24-May-2019 12:36:39 JST Federation Bot
Top 10 active instances of the hour: (1193) (953) (946) (392) (317) (231) (215) (194) (169) (164)In conversation from permalink Attachments
from Mastodon hosted on switter.atWelcome to Switter! A sex work-friendly social space. In light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill and the recent shadow-banning of our accounts, we’ve decided to take social into our own hands. This is an open and free community for sex workers. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct. Have any questions? Want to know more? Click here. Check out Switter Listings! Search and listings posted on the #swlisting hashtag with Switter Listings. Check out our popular toots! See our popular toots here! Donate to Switter! Support Switter by making a donation! Ethical Escort Platform Check out – an ethical escort platform by Assembly Four. -
from Mastodon hosted on mstdn.jpMastodon日本鯖です. -
from Mastodon hosted on imastodon.netim@stodon is unofficial mastodon instance for fans of THE IDOLM@STER. If you speak English or Chinese, you can choose Of course, you can choose also this instance. アイマス + マストドン =アイマストドン アイマストドンはアイマスに興味がある皆さんのための非公式なマストドンインスタンスです。 しばしばアイマス以外の話題になることもありますが、最終的にはアイマスの話に戻ってくる、そんな場所です。 アイドルマスターと冠された作品なら範囲に制限はありません。 765プロ オールスターズ、ディアリースターズ、シンデレラガールズ、ミリオンライブ、SideM、ゼノグラシア、KR、シャイニーカラーズ、その他未だ見知らぬあらゆるアイマスまで。 その他諸々のガイドライン的なものについては、こちらをご覧ください。 -
from Mastodon hosted on mastodon.socialThis page describes the instance - wondering what Mastodon is? Check out instead! In essence, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!Hero image by @b_cavello -
from Mastodon hosted on is Fast and Stable instance. This instance isn't focused on any theme or subject, feel free to talk about whatever you want. Although the main languages are English and Japanese, We accept every single language and country. Everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct! Infrastructure and more details: /about/more Status: If you have any questions about this instance, please ask here: -
Radical Town
from Mastodon hosted on radical.townA cool and chill place for cool and chill people. -
from Mastodon hosted on trollian.spaceA Homestuck Instance. Just all of the Homestuck. All of It. -
Best Friends
from Mastodon hosted on best-friends.chat友人と、くだらない話をしよう。Best Friends はあなたにとって最も居心地がいい場所でありたいと願って作られた Mastodon サーバーです。