don't forget, when talking about features and interfaces, that there are different interfaces and apps that people could be using, if they're even using a mastodon instance rather than some other fediverse software. not all apps expose all features. sometimes we find ourselves in situations similar to telling someone else to locate the red-highlighted text in an email, just to find out that the person is reading email with a braille interface
speaking of updates... an acquaintance of mine transitioned years ago, but our instance still shows her dead name. I find that somewhat dissonant myself, and I suppose she'd be quite disappointed to find out it's still there. was your script meant to update that too? in case you'd like to look into it, I can DM you her handle.
could you point at some that said so, just to be sure?
I've seen enough false claims about others' allegedly finding stuff offensive or inappropriate, that later turned out to be fabrications, that I'd rather have a little more evidence before accepting the takeover and phasing out of a meaning for a word
I wouldn't mind if my profile and posts were visible to robots.txt-abiding web spiders such as search engines, but I've come to terms with the notion that social media timelines are transient and, much to my disappointment, posts in them become very hard to find after even a short while, and several users go through the trouble of deleting their own posts. even URLs that search engines might index and show would likely not contain the searched-for terms as posts get pushed to earlier pages.
for more permanent records and presence, I recommend another medium such as a blog over whose URLs and posts you'd have a lot more autonomous control
I meant the portable telescreens themselves, but yeah, ultimately what the banks are demanding is the use of their own apps rather than standards-compliant web browsers
people make decisions, yes
but these people are selected by power structures to make decisions that favor the shareholder's return on investment over anything else
if these people privilege interests that conflict with shareholders', they get replaced
factor in that stock trading is currently controlled by algorithms, and that the humans in charge of them make decisions about them under similar constraints, and you should quickly realize why the dominant species in the planet is the corporation, an early form of artificial intelligence that we now serve, and that doesn't care at all about our future, even if it still depends on us to carry out its actions
that's the reason why we seem so doomed
we must take control back from them very soon if we're to stand a chance of surviving
spreading awareness of the need to fight back;
speaking about software freedom and taking back control over our digital lives tomorrow;
voting bolsonaro and his gang out on Sunday;
looking into publishing shortly, maybe even this week, an article about my legal struggles against banks' attempts to impose the use of tracking devices
it's not much, I know, but it's what I'm managing to do. how about you?
companies hire third-party developers to customize, develop and improve software for them all the time. it seems to be even more common than licensing off-the-shelf software. what part of this doesn't seem to be working?
I wish my non-technical neighbors used free software. without that, this scenario isn't even possible. now, once they do, it will only happen if they get out of the proprietary mindset, realizing that the possibility is there. we've got a long way to go, but there are plenty of requests for enhancement in change trackers, so I think what we're missing is in density, not in kind
that's just discrimination based on disability. if he were blind and accidentally bumped into people, or deaf and failed to respond when people asked him questions, it would be easier to notice his condition; those are a lot better understood, and regular people don't expect people with such disabilities to overcome them and act "normal" by just making a personal effort to learn how to see or hear, like they do of conditions they can't notice, understand, nor respect. what saddens me the most is that some people claim to be for tolerance, diversity, inclusion, and safety, but they will go out of their way to make society intolerant and unsafe for people with this sort of disability, excluding us without as much as trying to understand what makes us different, special, and valuable in various ways