Welcome to the Humblr Mastodon, the new Tumblr alternative for kinky minded people!
What is Humblr?
As stated above, Humblr intends to be a new home to all previous Tumblr users that were pushed of the site, by their new NSFW policies. We offer a place to post your photos, videos and stories, thus we have increased the default character limit of posts to 10k.
We try to be an open community that can be home to every kinkster regardless of fetish or tendency. That is why, we do not condone racial or political slurs and hate speech and mandate everyone to tag their content appropriately!
Humblr is growing by the hour to become the largest kinky social media platform. Now it is your turn to be a part of it by signing up and posting photos, videos and messages!
At the current rate we are growing:
1500+ Users per day
15GB+ of media per day
1000+ Statuses per hour
Humblr is not owned and operated by a large corporation! Instead it is run as a passion project by fellow kinky people. Due to the fact that we run completely free of ads, we have to rely on your help to keep the lights on around here. If you are willing to support us, you can become one of our Patrons:
NEVER EVER post illegal content
NEVER EVER post anything containing depictions of children!
NEVER EVER post anything containing necrophilia or death!
DO NOT sign up, if you are under 18!
DO keep racism and hate hate speech to yourself!
DO flag posts that don't follow the rules!
DO use the CW (Content-Warning) function to flag posts that target a special audience or that fall in the taboo spectrum! (Hardcore TS, Scat, Blood, Piss, etc.)
PLEASE use proper Hashtags describing your content, so other users can find and or filter your content!
IF you automate posts, you may only upload one media per minute! Our servers will enforce that!
ABDL users should go to abdl.link as ABDL content is frowned upon here.
Some People will post content that is either degrading or not to your liking. If these posts are not specifically against the rules, please do not report them. Mute and or filter them instead! This can be done by going into the Settings --> Filters. By using filters you ensure, that containing specific keywords will be hidden from your timelines!
As stated in the rules, if you post content that targets a special Audience, you HAVE to check the "CW" button when creating a status. This adds a spoiler tag to your content. Please use it to properly describe your content!
Where is my email? We are a new site and have been sending out 10,000s of emails every day. Some will get lost or blocked by your email provider. Check your spam folder. Services like @btinternet.com @t-online.de (all T-Mobile) @online.fr DO NOT WORK! Sign up for Gmail.