@p @TheMadPirate i don't know if it's related but i had a lot of 500s an slowness after updating today and i finally had to run pgtune to tune my db and the problem went away
@sjw @TheMadPirate @karolat @p Neo4J is the quickest and surest path to wanting to jump out of the office window asap
@sjw @TheMadPirate @karolat @p I have. The query language was so monumentally awful as to make it almost unusable. It is nearly impossible to dynamically create queries (i.e for anything resembling search), and the language-specific bindings to the query language were even worse
plus it's like 1GB+ of *idle ram usage* at a basically empty DB
@sjw @TheMadPirate @p i used this:
@sjw @TheMadPirate @p i admit i don't know what i'm doing but i reviewed the changes, they looked sane, and the difference it made was very large.
@sjw @TheMadPirate @p I need to learn how to actually do that, not just run scripts.