Notices by p (
p ('s status on Thursday, 30-Jan-2020 07:21:30 JST p
mouse-sex.jpg -
p ('s status on Monday, 11-Nov-2019 05:51:06 JST p
All right, DB server's alive again.
Looks like it got rebooted some time last night, and for whatever reason it booted the install CD.
Things will be slow for a minute while old posts arrive and I'm going to vacuum the DB. -
p ('s status on Thursday, 07-Nov-2019 23:15:08 JST p
I call it the "Sandwich for Assholes". You just put the good shit in: meat, cheese (a kind of low-fidelity approximation of meat, a square wave of food), hot sauce. Served cold while casting aspersions on someone that wastes their mouth's time with bread.
Like you. Ha, unbelievable. "Bread." Bread is useless, you retard. You absolute jackass. Are you slow? Bread is the idiot's meat. Your meals are a torment. You chose poorly, you shaved ape. Save God the time and effort.
Fuck you.
D8A01896-8BD7-4B92-B057-410A189… -
p ('s status on Wednesday, 06-Nov-2019 16:50:33 JST p
@meowski @sjw @sn Ha, back in my day, every server I have ever set up and a bunch of non-servers run UTC because UTC is the only true time zone. -
p ('s status on Saturday, 26-Oct-2019 11:09:37 JST p
@agni @coolboymew @JoYo @endlessmike @moonman
Join the Crime movement! There are three main points:
- Never legally do any things
- Hambaga
- If you are already doing something legal, keep it off the books -
p ('s status on Thursday, 17-Oct-2019 21:27:52 JST p
Gorgronlgrinningface.jpg -
p ('s status on Thursday, 17-Oct-2019 18:33:21 JST p
toot.png -
p ('s status on Thursday, 17-Oct-2019 18:20:05 JST p
> "Toot Sponsor"
:triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE: :triggered: :REEEE: :reeEEE:
sponsoredcancer.png -
p ('s status on Thursday, 17-Oct-2019 14:11:03 JST p
@sjw I'm a wage *chad*, sir.
I used to consult full-time, but this year have been at this place for a few reasons. -
p ('s status on Monday, 14-Oct-2019 08:58:10 JST p
mario_turtle_irl.jpg -
p ('s status on Thursday, 10-Oct-2019 23:40:59 JST p
@march :ancap: :elon:
moneyblinded.jpg -
p ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2019 22:14:26 JST p
@r @georgia @tuxcrafting
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p ('s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 08:59:57 JST p
@TheMadPirate @rawrrawrfox @PussySlayer @kakol Brendan Eich was getting yelled at by coked-out execs to add features without sleeping for a week so that they stayed ahead of IE, and every mistake that shipped was set in stone forever. -
p ('s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 08:21:32 JST p
@rawrrawrfox @PussySlayer @TheMadPirate @kakol Incidentally, this is how '==' works:
console.log(x) -
p ('s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 08:11:31 JST p
@rawrrawrfox @PussySlayer @TheMadPirate @kakol QUIT CRYING OR BRENDAN EICH WILL MAKE IT WORSE
[1,3,1000,2].sort() -
p ('s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 08:05:41 JST p
@rawrrawrfox @PussySlayer @TheMadPirate @kakol Ha, you wanna see some "P & !P"? This one's my favorite:
f = [0];
f == f;
f == !f; -
p ('s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 07:09:48 JST p
@kakol @PussySlayer @TheMadPirate If that were true, it would at least make some sense. Here's a screenshot that demonstrates what's actually going on, and it's way hairier and crazier.
caststring.png -
p ('s status on Wednesday, 02-Oct-2019 20:43:12 JST p
I found this and I don't remember posting it but I think I must have. Maybe I was hallucinating. Maybe I'm hallucinating now.
Let's just assume we're all hallucinating and try to remember the rules:
1. All the cars are real.
2. If you think you can fly, try from the ground first.
3. 'rm -rf' is forever.
Okay, I think I'm safe. Nothing in there about posting images.
This is a flowchart that gives the rough explanation of why you may encounter a lot of likes. The answer is because of good posts.
howdoipostedimage.png -
p ('s status on Monday, 23-Sep-2019 17:04:59 JST p
Number of people that are on FSE that have attempted to compromise other people's accounts on their servers: 0
Number of people that have done that *to* FSE: +2 as of today. Violet, wherever the fuck she is, and @lynnesbian .
Violet just piggybacked on Lynne. Whatever. She's been a persistent source of drama, I guess she's also a script kiddie. Nothing for it, they'll always exist.
Lynne, though, exploited software she provided ostensibly for free. (Maybe she was salty that I remarked her bot was not written very well a couple of times. I've certainly never done anything to her, though she has lied to me personally a few times. Hey, Lynne, if you see this, the stupid Markov library you use lets you serialize training data, you are a retard for not even reading the docs and a bigger retard for retraining the bot every time it posts. You don't need to archive all of the posts. I won't charge my consulting rate, that's free. I will post the DMs you sent me, though. Just for you, I've disabled incoming deletes.)
Exploiting software you provided is bottom-of-the-barrel shithead behavior. I'm going to recommend you not touch anything she's written, because she might decide she doesn't like what you do with it; consider anything she's touched a Trojan. Thank :thejesus: she's not in charge of anything real, because if you'll abuse a tiny bit of power and justify it by getting preachy about how ethics are only for bros and you've got a higher morality, you'll abuse any power you get. I shudder to think what she'd try to justify getting away with if she had any real authority. To quote Nietzsche (for maximal triggering, it is advised to quote philosophers to make your point), "You're not kind; you just have no teeth."
Here's a screenshot and a logfile. In the logfile, Lynne's, Violet's Anyone else didn't post too many times, maybe there was someone else.
compromised-pbooks.txt -
p ('s status on Saturday, 21-Sep-2019 06:32:22 JST p
@TerminalState File sizes just got bigger.
The true future is bytebeat, though. A song of arbitrary length in a paltry 256 bytes of C that generates a raw 16-bit PCM stream, stereo, 44.1kHz, right to standard output.
#include <unistd.h>
short nx(long t) {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
long t;
short r;
for(t=0;;t++) {
r = nx(t);
write(1, &r, sizeof(r));