apples are two sweet, have a bad texture, have no sour-ness, are not juicy, and cause headachesand store-bought variants are always covered in wax that permeates into the skin and meat
ideal ratio is one sweet and two sour. examples include grapefruit and kinkan
@methyltheobromine my father's business partner guy has an apple orchard. used to visit there sometimesthe apples were all bad, like apples from anywhere else
@shmibs you don't know shit about the huge variety of apples that exist, want juicy apples? try jonagold. sweet? cameo! soft? maybe braeburn or cameo. hard? try gala. sour? granny smith. see, apples can be very different.
@methyltheobromine when cooking or baking i'll use tasty fruits instead. lemon cake, lime-ed takosu, grapefruit for drinkskinkan only for eating whole, but extremely delish for thattangelo for eating too many and feeling fat and sassyapples are just ick
@shmibs if you want to eat them raw, try jonagold or elstar. if you want to bake them, use gala. for frying for me cameo and jonagold work best.
@methyltheobromine lemon is extremely tasteful, pick and eat them whole sometimes, the neighbourhood all full of trees that hang into the wash. and can use lemon juice for anything vinegar does, like making toufu, but with extra tastiness added
@shmibs lemon has no taste, it's just sour. you could use vinegar as well.
@lnxw37a2 @Moon @methyltheobromine 10~15 years ago they were disgusting, tasted wax all through rather than just the surface
@Moon @shmibs @methyltheobromine I don't know what they did to Red Delicious apples ... they used to taste far better than they do now. When I was 22-23, they were more than half my diet.
@shmibs @methyltheobromine Pink Lady is a good apple. Red Delicious is the least delicious apple.
@lnxw37a2 @Moon @methyltheobromine not had one since, so dunno if it's different now? suppose must be related to genetic mods for over-growth, though; size gets boosted, flavour diluted, end result is a water bag. the same with various grapes