trump has effectively no way of winning now lol
@Moon @georgia @cirno benefit of the $, created-controversy
@georgia @cirno the Russian hacking stuff was (almost all) bullshit, they just got the benefit of the doubt from the media where trump's conspiracy theories did not.
@georgia Same thing happened in 2016, though instead of casto it was putin. They tried recounting some places, claimed the voting machines were hacked, claimed trump was dealing with putin, claimed the tallying software was hacked, and then shoved mueller up the presidents ass for half his term. Trump is free to play as many fuck fuck games as he wants, even of it is as futile as 2016. Honestly I'd love a mueller up biden's ass because that laptop really implies some china dealings
@cirno literally no one claimed votes were changed nor did they seek to throw out millions of votes. democrats were butthurt but this is an unprecedented temper tantrum. the difference between castro and putin is that there's mountains of evidence putin did back trump while castro is dead . that theory was so far fetched the legal team disavowed her lmao.if there turns out to have been some massive chinese influence campaign or whatever then hell yeah it should be investigated. but you're lying to yourself if you think this is equivalent. Hillary conceded the night of.
@cirno looking under every rock and alleging a massive payoff scheme with castro are very different
@georgia He gets a free pass to try every way he can though. God knows how fun it was to have muh russia for literally four years. And on the plus side if he does find something then the elections will be more secure in the future
@georgia Here's how trump can still win:
@Moon @toast @cirno she's a doorbell
@toast @cirno @georgia you're ace and I respect that even if I think you're a cute.
@Moon @cirno @georgia yeah lol, that's why
@Moon @cirno @georgia lewd
@toast @cirno @georgia aren't you russian
@toast @georgia @cirno I like Russians and the Chinese.
@georgia @Moon @cirno all of us politics is just hating o either china or russia att his poitn almo
@Moon @cirno yeah there was some seriously russophobic rhetoric normalized among libs
@georgia @cirno Sort of funny that some of the same people that think illegal immigrants should be able to vote don't think some Russians should be able to buy Facebook ads.
@cirno @Moon i did cringe when the media referred to the russians "hacking the election". what an imprecise and crude use of language. "meddling" just sounded silly.
@georgia @Moon It wasn't "hacking" rather some rich russian dudes bought a bunch of facebook ads (which may explain all the boomers backing trump). The media totally tried to memory hole the actual hacking though, all the articles are gone aside the ones on the facebook adsIf this can be classed as collusion though then twitter could be argued as rigging the election
@Moon @cirno the hacking part was real, the collusion part was hype
@dielan @Moon @cirno @georgia I don't want simps I want friends of bvarious levels of clseness
@toasttbh very few people are actually, genuinely, ugly Doesnt matter what you look like you can still find a simp or two @georgia @Moon @cirno
@georgia @Moon @cirno pls im ugly af