time is a lie. i am a time denialist
@toast @chjara I think those were Zeno's paradoxes.
@Moon @toast @chjara xeno had a bunch, mmmone about infinitesimals and an arrow flying, "if at any given moment the arrow is in some specified place only, and you can cut moments down forever, how does the arrow move at all", stuff gets honestly woog if there's not some finite lower-bound resolution
@chjara you joke but these people existmore specifically, they take the old greek paradox of "well if I move 1/2 the distance every second, I never get there", turn that into "movement cannot exist", and turn that into "time cannot exist"
@Moon @chjara @toast like you can wave your hand at it and say "calculus", but the concept itself feels merp still
@shmibs @Moon @chjara the thing is that the universe is fundamentally quantized (see: plank length and quantum mechanics)
@toast @Moon @chjara what the planck units even mean isn't really certain; for the moment are just throwing numbers at problems
@georgia @toast @Moon @chjara is what i just said, throw calculus at it, mmm
@toast @shmibs @Moon @chjara also even if it weren't you can find the sum of an infinite series
@toast @Moon @chjara qft, chromodynamics, etc, is a number-game that may or may not reflect what "actually happens". know it has predictive power and that it's sometimes wrong
@shmibs @Moon @chjarasure it is, actually look into how it was discoveredBasically the only way to solve the color problem is to assume energy levels are quantized - i.e that there's an energy level above zero that you cannot be below without being zero This essentially shows that the universe is quantized because energy levels relate to all sorts of other stuff