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Sorry for the awful typos... "Superiority" may have been the wrong term, "exceptionality" seems a better fit. And from here, the path towards a national agenda was open, at least in Germany. Language preservation is a different matter, done for different reasons other than brute nationalism. (Especially with the constant threat of assimilation by eastern neighbours.). On the other hand, which culture does not define itself in terms of its language? The loss of one's native language seems to me to be always a culture- and identity threatening factor.
Yes, I this aspect of language promotion due to a numerically small group of native speakers in mind was on my mind when I suggested the bivalnece of such endeavours: Reviving (or preserving) a language and the risk of such projects being drawn into nationalist agendas. But perhaps I am too wary about this possibility because of the history of German "Sprachgesellschaften" ("language societies") in the baroque period which not only tried to pin down a genalogy of High German to one of the four original languages ("Urspachen") but by doing so tried to foster a sense of German superiority over other European nations.
> For me, this commitment to geographical, language-based spaces is in contradiction to what attracts me to the internet in the first place.
Seconded. And, with regard to the Estonian Mastodon instance, "communities" created in that way seem to be created to enhance feelings of national pride and identity. Even if it is done to promote the use of Estonian language, it's exploitability for (and by) nationalist causes speasks against pursuing this path.
I'm really guessing here. Keep in mind that I use a VPN which at times is rejected by major media websites because it is deemed to perform too many requests.
Perhaps its a way Mastodon run servers can find out by whom their acounts are subcribed to? (I recently susbcribed to 7 accounts on Mastodon run servers, the most recent https://mastodon.sdf.org/@davebonta doesn't seem to come through...)