wait. you're telling me you've got your OWN computer???? what do you do with it einstein, calculate plasma turbulence estimations for nuclear research???? hahaha. what a fuckin nerd. i dont actually believe you by the way. nobody has their own computer just like in their house. im insulted that youd think im that gullible
@halcy yeah it USED to be by him. up until around 2015-2016 all the stock music was by him. it was fine. i mean it wasn't like, that good musically, but it worked as background music. from 2015-2016 onwards the trendy high-budget channels with expensive cameras and sets started using the 'akai mpc beats' stuff, and now even the small channels are doing it, and i guess more people are making stuff in that style since there's demand. i miss the age of macleod
@envgen has the plastic on your dreamcast yellowed btw? i saw one recently that was all yellow. yknow. like it was some kind of old electronic item, something thats old enough to have gone yellow and is in need of retrobriting or something. which is obviously untrue because the dreamcast only came out a couple of years ago didnt it
tfw u read a book about jazz because u wanted ur music to sound sophisticated and now 50% of the keys on the piano are pressed down at any time, so any melodic movement basically consists of alternating the keys you were pressing with the ones you weren't, back and forth, music becomes one of those 16-tile puzzles, and there are only two chords in the song: the chord that has the root note in it, and the chord that doesn't